Corpus vocab builder

Path pimlico.modules.corpora.vocab_builder
Executable yes

Builds a dictionary (or vocabulary) for a tokenized corpus. This is a data structure that assigns an integer ID to every distinct word seen in the corpus, optionally applying thresholds so that some words are left out.

Similar to pimlico.modules.features.vocab_builder, which builds two vocabs, one for terms and one for features.

May specify a list of stopwords, which will be ignored, even if they’re found in the corpus. The filter to remove frequent words (controlled by max_prop) will potentially add further stopwords, so the resulting list is output as stopwords.


Name Type(s)
text grouped_corpus <TokenizedDocumentType>


Name Type(s)
vocab dictionary
stopwords string_list


Name Description Type
include Ensure that certain words are always included in the vocabulary, even if they don’t make it past the various filters, or are never seen in the corpus. Give as a comma-separated list comma-separated list of strings
limit Limit vocab size to this number of most common entries (after other filters) int
max_prop Include terms that occur in max this proportion of documents float
oov Represent OOVs using the given string in the vocabulary. Used to represent chars that will be out of vocabulary after applying threshold/limit filters. Included in the vocabulary even if the count is 0 string
prune_at Prune the dictionary if it reaches this size. Setting a lower value avoids getting stuck with too big a dictionary to be able to prune and slowing things down, but means that the final pruning will less accurately reflect the true corpus stats. Should be considerably higher than limit (if used). Set to 0 to disable. Default: 2M (Gensim’s default) int
threshold Minimum number of occurrences required of a term to be included int

Example config

This is an example of how this module can be used in a pipeline config file.


This example usage includes more options.


Example pipelines

This module is used by the following example pipelines. They are examples of how the module can be used together with other modules in a larger pipeline.

Test pipelines

This module is used by the following test pipelines. They are a further source of examples of the module’s usage.