Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2020 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0 -

Command-line tools for manipulating Pimarcs.

import argparse
import os
import shutil
from tarfile import TarFile

import sys

from pimlico.utils.pimarc import PimarcReader, PimarcWriter
from pimlico.utils.pimarc.index import check_index, IndexCheckFailed
from .index import reindex

[docs]def list_files(opts): path = opts.path reader = PimarcReader(path) for filename in reader.iter_filenames(): print(filename)
[docs]def extract_file(opts): if opts.out is None: out_path = os.getcwd() else: out_path = os.path.abspath(opts.out) path = opts.path filenames = opts.filenames with PimarcReader(path) as reader: for filename in filenames: print("Extracting {}".format(filename)) metadata, data = reader[filename] with open(os.path.join(out_path, filename), "wb") as f: f.write(data)
[docs]def append_file(opts): path = os.path.abspath(opts.path) if not path.endswith(".prc"): print("Pimarc data file must use extension '.prc'") paths_to_add = opts.files # Append if the file already exists, otherwise create a new archive append = os.path.exists(path) if append: print("Appending files to existing pimarc {}".format(path)) else: print("Creating new pimarc {}".format(path)) with PimarcWriter(path, mode="a" if append else "w") as writer: # First check that all files can be added for path_to_add in paths_to_add: path_to_add = os.path.abspath(path_to_add) if not os.path.exists(path_to_add): print("Cannot add {}: file does not exist".format(path_to_add)) sys.exit(1) filename = os.path.basename(path_to_add) if filename in writer.index: print("Cannot add {}: filename '{}' already exists in archive".format(path_to_add, filename)) sys.exit(1) # Now add the files for path_to_add in paths_to_add: path_to_add = os.path.abspath(path_to_add) # Just use the basename when adding the file: no paths are stored in pimarcs filename = os.path.basename(path_to_add) print(" Adding {} as {}".format(path_to_add, filename)) # Read in the file's data with open(path_to_add, "rb") as f: data = writer.write_file(data, filename)
[docs]def from_tar(opts): in_tar_paths = opts.tars out_dir_path = opts.out_path for tar_path in in_tar_paths: tar_path = os.path.abspath(tar_path) # Work out where to put the converted file out_filename = "{}.prc".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tar_path))[0]) if out_dir_path is None: out_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tar_path), out_filename) else: out_path = os.path.join(out_dir_path, out_filename) print("Creating {} from {}".format(out_path, tar_path)) # Create a writer to add files to with PimarcWriter(out_path) as arc: # Read in the tar file tarfile =, "r:") for tarinfo in tarfile: name = with tarfile.extractfile(tarinfo) as tar_member: data = print(" Writing {}".format(name)) arc.write_file(data, name) if opts.delete: print("Deleting tar: {}".format(tar_path)) os.remove(tar_path)
[docs]def reindex_pimarcs(opts): if not all(path.endswith(".prc") for path in opts.paths): print("Pimarc files must have correct extension: .prc") sys.exit(1) for pimarc_path in opts.paths: print("Rebuilding index for {}".format(pimarc_path)) reindex(pimarc_path) print(" Success")
[docs]def check_pimarcs(opts): if not all(path.endswith(".prc") for path in opts.paths): print("Pimarc files must have correct extension: .prc") sys.exit(1) total_length = 0 for pimarc_path in opts.paths: print("Checking index for {}".format(pimarc_path)) try: length = check_index(pimarc_path) print(" Success ({:,d} members)".format(length)) total_length += length except IndexCheckFailed as e: print(" {}".format(e)) print("Total members in all archives: {:,d}".format(total_length))
[docs]def remove(opts): path = os.path.abspath(opts.path) if not path.endswith(".prc"): print("Pimarc data file must use extension '.prc'") files_to_remove = opts.files remove_all_after = opts.after remove_after_found = False if len(files_to_remove) == 0 and remove_all_after is None: print("No files to remove") sys.exit(0) # Write to a temporary new archive tmp_arc = "{}.tmp".format(path) try: with PimarcWriter(tmp_arc, mode="w") as writer: with PimarcReader(path) as reader: for metadata, data in reader: name = metadata["name"] if name in files_to_remove: files_to_remove.remove(name) print("Removing {}".format(name)) else: # Pass the file straight through writer.write_file(data, metadata=metadata) if remove_all_after == name: # Written this file, now stop print("Stopping after {}".format(name)) remove_after_found = True break if remove_all_after is not None and not remove_after_found: print("ERROR: filename {} not found in archive".format(remove_all_after)) return if len(files_to_remove) > 0: print("ERROR: some files not found in archive: {}".format(", ".join(files_to_remove))) return # Replace the old archive with the new one print("Writing new archive to {}".format(path)) os.replace(tmp_arc, path) os.replace("{}i".format(tmp_arc), "{}i".format(path)) finally: # Remove the temporary archive if os.path.exists(tmp_arc): os.remove(tmp_arc) if os.path.exists("{}i".format(tmp_arc)): os.remove("{}i".format(tmp_arc))
[docs]def no_subcommand(opts): print("Specify a subcommand: list, ...")
[docs]def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("pimlico.utils.pimarc") parser.set_defaults(func=no_subcommand) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="Select a sub-command") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("list", help="List files in a Pimarc") subparser.set_defaults(func=list_files) subparser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the Pimarc") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("extract", help="Extract a file from a Pimarc") subparser.set_defaults(func=extract_file) subparser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the Pimarc") subparser.add_argument("filenames", nargs="+", help="Filename(s) to extract") subparser.add_argument("--out", "-o", help="Output dir (default CWD)") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("append", help="Append a file to a pimarc. " "If the pimarc doesn't exist, it is created") subparser.set_defaults(func=append_file) subparser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the pimarc (.prc file)") subparser.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="Path(s) to add") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("fromtar", help="Create a Pimarc containing all the same files as a given tar. " "Outputs to the same filename as input, with '.tar' replaced by '.prc'") subparser.set_defaults(func=from_tar) subparser.add_argument("tars", nargs="+", help="Path to the tar archive(s)") subparser.add_argument("--out-path", "-o", help="Directory to output files to. Defaults to same as input") subparser.add_argument("--delete", "-d", action="store_true", help="Delete the tar files after creating pimarcs") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("reindex", help="Rebuild a pimarc's index (the .prci file) from its data (the .prc file). " "This can be necessary if the index has become corrupted or something when " "wrong during writing of the archive") subparser.set_defaults(func=reindex_pimarcs) subparser.add_argument("paths", nargs="+", help="Path to the pimarc(s) - .prc files") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("check", help="Check a pimarc's index (the .prci file) against its data (the .prc file). " "This can be useful for debugging writing code, or checking whether the " "index should be rebuilt") subparser.set_defaults(func=check_pimarcs) subparser.add_argument("paths", nargs="+", help="Path to the pimarc(s) - .prc files") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("remove", help="Remove files from a Pimarc archive") subparser.set_defaults(func=remove) subparser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the pimarc - .prc file") subparser.add_argument("files", nargs="*", help="Names of files to remove") subparser.add_argument("--after", action="store", help="Remove all files after the given name") opts = parser.parse_args() opts.func(opts)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Command-line utilities for manipulating Pimarcs run()