Source code for pimlico.utils.urwid

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2020 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0 -

Some handy Urwid utilities.

Take care only to import this where we already have a dependency on Urwid,
e.g. in the browser implementation modules.

Some of these are taken pretty exactly from Urwid examples.

.. todo::

   Not got these things working yet, but they'll be useful in the long run

from __future__ import absolute_import
import urwid

[docs]class DialogExit(Exception): pass
[docs]class DialogDisplay(urwid.PopUpLauncher): palette = [ ('body','black','light gray', 'standout'), ('border','black','dark blue'), ('shadow','white','black'), ('selectable','black', 'dark cyan'), ('focus','white','dark blue','bold'), ('focustext','light gray','dark blue'), ] def __init__(self, original_widget, text, height=0, width=0, body=None): super(DialogDisplay, self).__init__(original_widget) width = int(width) if width <= 0: width = ('relative', 80) height = int(height) if height <= 0: height = ('relative', 80) self.body = body if body is None: # fill space with nothing body = urwid.Filler(urwid.Divider(),'top') self.frame = urwid.Frame( body, focus_part='footer') if text is not None: self.frame.header = urwid.Pile( [urwid.Text(text), urwid.Divider()] ) w = self.frame # pad area around listbox w = urwid.Padding(w, ('fixed left',2), ('fixed right',2)) w = urwid.Filler(w, ('fixed top',1), ('fixed bottom',1)) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, 'body') # "shadow" effect w = urwid.Columns( [w,('fixed', 2, urwid.AttrWrap( urwid.Filler(urwid.Text(('border',' ')), "top") ,'shadow'))]) w = urwid.Frame( w, footer = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Text(('border',' ')),'shadow')) # outermost border area w = urwid.Padding(w, 'center', width ) w = urwid.Filler(w, 'middle', height ) w = urwid.AttrWrap( w, 'border' ) self.view = w
[docs] def add_buttons(self, buttons): l = [] for name, exitcode in buttons: b = urwid.Button( name, self.button_press ) b.exitcode = exitcode b = urwid.AttrWrap( b, 'selectable','focus' ) l.append( b ) self.buttons = urwid.GridFlow(l, 10, 3, 1, 'center') self.frame.footer = urwid.Pile( [ urwid.Divider(), self.buttons ], focus_item = 1)
[docs] def button_press(self, button): raise DialogExit(button.exitcode)
[docs] def on_exit(self, exitcode): return exitcode, ""
[docs]class ListDialogDisplay(DialogDisplay): def __init__(self, original_widget, text, height, width, constr, items, has_default): j = [] if has_default: k, tail = 3, () else: k, tail = 2, ("no",) while items: j.append( items[:k] + tail ) items = items[k:] l = [] self.items = [] for tag, item, default in j: w = constr( tag, default=="on" ) self.items.append(w) w = urwid.Columns( [('fixed', 12, w), urwid.Text(item)], 2 ) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, 'selectable','focus') l.append(w) lb = urwid.ListBox(l) lb = urwid.AttrWrap( lb, "selectable" ) DialogDisplay.__init__(self, original_widget, text, height, width, lb) self.frame.set_focus('body')
[docs] def unhandled_key(self, size, k): if k in ('up','page up'): self.frame.set_focus('body') if k in ('down','page down'): self.frame.set_focus('footer') if k == 'enter': # pass enter to the "ok" button self.frame.set_focus('footer') self.buttons.set_focus(0) self.view.keypress( size, k )
[docs] def on_exit(self, exitcode): """Print the tag of the item selected.""" if exitcode != 0: return exitcode, "" s = "" for i in self.items: if i.get_state(): s = i.get_label() break return exitcode, s
[docs]def msgbox(original_widget, text, height=0, width=0): d = DialogDisplay(original_widget, text, height, width) d.add_buttons([("OK", 0)]) return d
[docs]def options_dialog(original_widget, text, options, height=0, width=0, *items): radiolist = [] def constr(tag, state, radiolist=radiolist): return urwid.RadioButton(radiolist, tag, state) d = ListDialogDisplay(text, height, width, constr, items, True) d.add_buttons([(name, num) for (num, name) in enumerate(options)]) return d
[docs]def yesno_dialog(original_widget, text, height=0, width=0, *items): return options_dialog(original_widget, text, ["Yes", "No"], height=height, width=width, *items)