
class Stepper[source]

Bases: object

Type that stores the state of the stepping process. This allows information and parameters to be passed around through the process and updated as we go. For example, if particular type of output is disabled by the user, a parameter can be updated here so we know not to output it later.


Prepares a pipeline to run in step mode, modifying modules and wrapping methods to supply the extra functionality.

This approach means that we don’t have to consume extra computation time checking whether step mode is enabled during normal runs.

Parameters:pipeline – instance of PipelineConfig
instantiate_output_reader_decorator(instantiate_output_reader, module_name, output_names, stepper)[source]
wrap_grouped_corpus(dtype, module_name, output_name, stepper)[source]
archive_iter_decorator(archive_iter, module_name, output_name, stepper)[source]
get_input_decorator(get_input, module_name, stepper)[source]

Decorator to wrap a module info’s get_input() method so when know where inputs are being used.

option_message(message_lines, stepper, options=None, stack_trace_option=True, category=None)[source]