Writing document map modules


Write a guide to building document map modules.

For now, the skeletons below are a useful starting point, but there should be a more fulsome explanation here of what document map modules are all about and how to use them.


Document map module guides needs to be updated for new datatypes.

Skeleton new module

To make developing a new module a little quicker, here’s a skeleton module info and executor for a document map module. It follows the most common method for defining the executor, which is to use the multiprocessing-based executor factory.

from pimlico.core.modules.map import DocumentMapModuleInfo
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import TarredCorpusType

class ModuleInfo(DocumentMapModuleInfo):
    module_type_name = "NAME"
    module_readable_name = "READABLE NAME"
    module_inputs = [("NAME", TarredCorpusType(DOCUMENT_TYPE))]
    module_outputs = [("NAME", PRODUCED_TYPE)]
    module_options = {
        "OPTION_NAME": {
            "help": "DESCRIPTION",
            "type": TYPE,
            "default": VALUE,

    def get_software_dependencies(self):
        return super(ModuleInfo, self).get_software_dependencies() + [
            # Add your own dependencies to this list

    def get_writer(self, output_name, output_dir, append=False):
        if output_name == "NAME":
            # Instantiate a writer for this output, using the given output dir
            # and passing append in as a kwarg
            return WRITER_CLASS(output_dir, append=append)

A bare-bones executor:

from pimlico.core.modules.map.multiproc import multiprocessing_executor_factory

def process_document(worker, archive_name, doc_name, *data):
    # Do something to process the document...

    # Return an object to send to the writer
    return output

ModuleExecutor = multiprocessing_executor_factory(process_document)

Or getting slightly more sophisticated:

from pimlico.core.modules.map.multiproc import multiprocessing_executor_factory

def process_document(worker, archive_name, doc_name, *data):
    # Do something to process the document

    # Return a tuple of objects to send to each writer
    # If you only defined a single output, you can just return a single object
    return output1, output2, ...

# You don't have to, but you can also define pre- and postprocessing
# both at the executor level and worker level

def preprocess(executor):

def postprocess(executor, error=None):

def set_up_worker(worker):

def tear_down_worker(worker, error=None):

ModuleExecutor = multiprocessing_executor_factory(
    preprocess_fn=preprocess, postprocess_fn=postprocess,
    worker_set_up_fn=set_up_worker, worker_tear_down_fn=tear_down_worker,