Random shuffle

Path pimlico.modules.corpora.shuffle
Executable yes

Randomly shuffles all the documents in a grouped corpus, outputting them to a new set of archives with the same sizes as the input archives.

This was difficult to do this efficiently for a large corpus using the old tar storage format. There therefore used to be a strategy implemented here where the input documents were read in linear order and placed into a temporary set of small archives (“bins”) and these were concatenated into the larger archives, shuffling the documents in memory in each during the process.

It is no longer necessary to do this, since the standard pipeline-internal storage format permits efficient random access. However, it may sometimes be necessary to use the linear-reading strategy: for example, if the input comes from a filter module, its documents cannot be randomly accessed.


Currently, this accepts any GroupedCorpus as input, but checks at runtime that the input is stored used the pipeline-internal format. It would be much better if this check could be enforced at the level of datatypes, so that the input datatype requirement explicitly rules out grouped corpora coming from input readers, filters or other dynamic sources.

Since this requires some tricky changes to the datatype system, I’m not implementing it now, but it should be done in future.

It will be implemented as part of the replacement of GroupedCorpus by StoredIterableCorpus: `https://github.com/markgw/pimlico/issues/24`_


Name Type(s)
corpus grouped_corpus


Name Type(s)
corpus grouped corpus with input doc type


Name Description Type
archive_basename Basename to use for archives in the output corpus. Default: ‘archive’ string
seed Seed for the random number generator. The RNG is always seeded, for reproducibility. Default: 999 int

Example config

This is an example of how this module can be used in a pipeline config file.


This example usage includes more options.


Test pipelines

This module is used by the following test pipelines. They are a further source of examples of the module’s usage.