NP chunk extractor

Path pimlico.modules.spacy.extract_nps
Executable yes

Extract NP chunks

Performs the full spaCy pipeline including tokenization, sentence segmentation, POS tagging and parsing and outputs documents containing only a list of the noun phrase chunks that were found by the parser.

This functionality is provided very conveniently by spaCy’s Doc.noun_chunks after parsing, so this is a light wrapper around spaCy.

The output is presented as a tokenized document. Each sentence in the document represents a single NP.


Name Type(s)
text grouped_corpus <RawTextDocumentType>


Name Type(s)
nps grouped_corpus <TokenizedDocumentType>


Name Description Type
model spaCy model to use. This may be a name of a standard spaCy model or a path to the location of a trained model on disk, if on_disk=T. If it’s not a path, the spaCy download command will be run before execution string
on_disk Load the specified model from a location on disk (the model parameter gives the path) bool

Example config

This is an example of how this module can be used in a pipeline config file.


This example usage includes more options.


Test pipelines

This module is used by the following test pipelines. They are a further source of examples of the module’s usage.