Source code for pimlico.utils.format

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

from builtins import zip
from textwrap import wrap

[docs]def multiline_tablate(table, widths, **kwargs): from tabulate import tabulate # Wrap columns table = [[wrap(cell, width=width) for (cell, width) in zip(row, widths)] for row in table] table_split = [] for row in table: subrows = max(len(cell) for cell in row) new_row = [cell + [""] * (subrows - len(cell)) for cell in row] table_split.extend(list(zip(*new_row))) # Add a blank line table_split.append([""] * len(table_split[0])) return tabulate(table_split[:-1], **kwargs)
[docs]def title_box(title_text): """ Make a nice big pretty title surrounded by a box. """ lines = title_text.splitlines() content_width = max(len(line)+2 for line in lines) top_border = "+" + "-" * content_width + "+" # Centre each of the lines lines = [("{:^%d}" % content_width).format(line) for line in lines] return "\n".join([top_border] + ["|%s|" % line for line in lines] + [top_border])