pimlico.core.dependencies.python module

Tools for Python library dependencies.

Provides superclasses for Python library dependencies and a selection of commonly used dependency instances.

class PythonPackageDependency(package, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pimlico.core.dependencies.base.SoftwareDependency

Base class for Python dependencies. Provides import checks, but no installation routines. Subclasses should either provide install() or installation_instructions().

The import checks do not (as of 0.6rc) actually import the package, as this may have side-effects that are difficult to account for, causing odd things to happen when you check multiple times, or try to import later. Instead, it just checks whether the package finder is about to locate the package. This doesn’t guarantee that the import will succeed.


Returns a list of problems standing in the way of the dependency being available. If the list is empty, the dependency is taken to be installed and ready to use.

Overriding methods should call super method.


Try importing package_name. By default, just uses __import__. Allows subclasses to allow for special import behaviour.

Should raise an ImportError if import fails.


Tries to import a __version__ variable from the package, which is a standard way to define the package version.

class PythonPackageSystemwideInstall(package_name, name, pip_package=None, apt_package=None, yum_package=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pimlico.core.dependencies.python.PythonPackageDependency

Dependency on a Python package that needs to be installed system-wide.


Return True if it’s possible to install this library automatically. If False, the user will have to install it themselves. Instructions for doing this may be provided by installation_instructions(), which will only generally be called if installable() returns False.

This might be the case, for example, if the software is not available to download freely, or if it requires a system-wide installation.


Where a dependency can’t be installed programmatically, we typically want to be able to output instructions for the user to tell them how to go about doing it themselves. Any subclass that doesn’t provide an automatic installation routine should override this to provide instructions.

You may also provide this even if the class does provide automatic installation. For example, you might want to provide instructions for other ways to install the software, like a system-wide install. This instructions will be shown together with missing dependency information.

class PythonPackageOnPip(package, name=None, pip_package=None, upgrade_only_if_needed=False, min_version=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pimlico.core.dependencies.python.PythonPackageDependency

Python package that can be installed via pip. Will be installed in the virtualenv if not available.

Allows specification of a minimum version. If an earlier version is installed, it will be upgraded.


Return True if it’s possible to install this library automatically. If False, the user will have to install it themselves. Instructions for doing this may be provided by installation_instructions(), which will only generally be called if installable() returns False.

This might be the case, for example, if the software is not available to download freely, or if it requires a system-wide installation.

install(local_config, trust_downloaded_archives=False)[source]

Should be overridden by any subclasses whose library is automatically installable. Carries out the actual installation.

You may assume that all dependencies returned by :method:dependencies have been satisfied prior to calling this.


Returns a list of problems standing in the way of the dependency being available. If the list is empty, the dependency is taken to be installed and ready to use.

Overriding methods should call super method.


Tries to import a __version__ variable from the package, which is a standard way to define the package version.


BS can go very slowly if it tries to use chardet to detect input encoding Remove chardet and cchardet from the Python modules, so that import fails and it doesn’t try to use them This prevents it getting stuck on reading long input files

class BeautifulSoupDependency[source]

Bases: pimlico.core.dependencies.python.PythonPackageOnPip

Test import with special BS import behaviour.


Try importing package_name. By default, just uses __import__. Allows subclasses to allow for special import behaviour.

Should raise an ImportError if import fails.

class NLTKResource(name, url=None, dependencies=None)[source]

Bases: pimlico.core.dependencies.base.SoftwareDependency

Check for and install NLTK resources, using NLTK’s own downloader.


Returns a list of problems standing in the way of the dependency being available. If the list is empty, the dependency is taken to be installed and ready to use.

Overriding methods should call super method.


Return True if it’s possible to install this library automatically. If False, the user will have to install it themselves. Instructions for doing this may be provided by installation_instructions(), which will only generally be called if installable() returns False.

This might be the case, for example, if the software is not available to download freely, or if it requires a system-wide installation.

install(local_config, trust_downloaded_archives=False)[source]

Should be overridden by any subclasses whose library is automatically installable. Carries out the actual installation.

You may assume that all dependencies returned by :method:dependencies have been satisfied prior to calling this.


Returns a list of instances of SoftwareDependency subclasses representing this library’s own dependencies. If the library is already available, these will never be consulted, but if it is to be installed, we will check first that all of these are available (and try to install them if not).