
Command-line tool subcommand

Dump the entire available output data from a given pipeline module to a tarball, so that it can easily be loaded into the same pipeline on another system. This is primarily to support spreading the execution of a pipeline between multiple machines, so that the output from a module can easily be transferred and loaded into a pipeline.

Dump to a tarball using this command, transfer the file between machines and then run the load command to import it there.

See also

Running one pipeline on multiple computers: for a more detailed guide to transferring data across servers.


pimlico.sh [...] dump [modules [modules ...]] [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--inputs]

Positional arguments

Arg Description
[modules [modules ...]] Names or numbers of modules whose data to dump. If multiple are given, a separate file will be dumped for each


Option Description
--output, -o Path to directory to output to. Defaults to the current user’s home directory
--inputs, -i Dump data for the modules corresponding to the inputs of the named modules, instead of those modules themselves. Useful for when you’re preparing to run a module on a different machine, for getting all the necessary input data for a module