Random shuffle

Path pimlico.modules.corpora.shuffle
Executable yes

Randomly shuffles all the documents in a grouped corpus, outputting them to a new set of archives with the same sizes as the input archives.

It is difficult to do this efficiently for a large corpus. We use a strategy where the input documents are read in linear order and placed into a temporary set of small archives (“bins”). Then these are concatenated into the larger archives, shuffling the documents in memory in each during the process.

The expected average size of the temporary bins can be set using the bin_size parameter. Alternatively, the exact total number of bins to use can be set using the num_bins parameter.

It may be necessary to lower the bin size if, for example, your individual documents are very large files. You might also find the process is noticeably faster with a higher bin size if your files are small.


Name Type(s)
corpus grouped_corpus


Name Type(s)
corpus grouped corpus with input doc type


Name Description Type
archive_basename Basename to use for archives in the output corpus. Default: ‘archive’ string
bin_size Target expected size of temporary bins into which documents are shuffled. The actual size may vary, but they will on average have this size. Default: 100 int
keep_archive_names By default, it is assumed that all doc names are unique to the whole corpus, so the same doc names are used once the documents are put into their new archives. If doc names are only unique within the input archives, use this and the input archive names will be included in the output document names. Default: False bool
num_bins Directly set the number of temporary bins to put document into. If set, bin_size is ignored int

Example config

This is an example of how this module can be used in a pipeline config file.


This example usage includes more options.


Test pipelines

This module is used by the following test pipelines. They are a further source of examples of the module’s usage.