Source code for pimlico.cli.check

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -
from textwrap import wrap

from pimlico.core.config import check_pipeline, PipelineCheckError, print_missing_dependencies, get_dependencies
from pimlico.core.dependencies.base import check_and_install

[docs]def check_cmd(pipeline, opts): # Metadata has already been loaded if we've got this far print "All module metadata loaded successfully" # Output what variants are available and say which we're checking print "Available pipeline variants: %s" % ", ".join(["main"] + pipeline.available_variants) print "Checking variant '%s'\n" % pipeline.variant try: check_pipeline(pipeline) except PipelineCheckError, e: print "Error in pipeline: %s" % e if opts.modules: passed = print_missing_dependencies(pipeline, opts.modules) if passed: for module_name in opts.modules: # Check for remaining execution barriers problems = pipeline[module_name].check_ready_to_run() if len(problems): for problem_name, problem_desc in problems: print "Module '%s' cannot run: %s\n %s" % \ (module_name, problem_name, "\n ".join(wrap(problem_desc, 100).splitlines())) passed = False if passed: print "Runtime dependency checks successful for modules: %s" % ", ".join(opts.modules)
[docs]def install_cmd(pipeline, opts): """ Install missing dependencies. """ try: check_pipeline(pipeline) except PipelineCheckError, e: print "Error in basic pipeline checks, can't proceed to dependency installation until this is fixed: %s" % e return deps = get_dependencies(pipeline, opts.modules) check_and_install(deps, trust_downloaded_archives=opts.trust_downloaded)