Source code for pimlico.datatypes.arrays

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

Wrappers around Numpy arrays and Scipy sparse matrices.

import os

from pimlico.datatypes.base import PimlicoDatatype, PimlicoDatatypeWriter

__all__ = ["NumpyArray", "NumpyArrayWriter", "ScipySparseMatrix", "ScipySparseMatrixWriter"]

[docs]class NumpyArray(PimlicoDatatype): def __init__(self, base_dir, pipeline, **kwargs): super(NumpyArray, self).__init__(base_dir, pipeline, **kwargs) self._array = None @property def array(self): if self._array is None: import numpy with open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "array.npy"), "r") as f: self._array = numpy.load(f) return self._array
[docs] def data_ready(self): return super(NumpyArray, self).data_ready() and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "array.npy"))
[docs] def check_runtime_dependencies(self): missing_dependencies = [] try: import numpy except ImportError: missing_dependencies.append(("Numpy", "install Numpy systemwide (e.g. package 'python-numpy' on Ubuntu)")) missing_dependencies.extend(super(NumpyArray, self).check_runtime_dependencies()) return missing_dependencies
[docs]class NumpyArrayWriter(PimlicoDatatypeWriter):
[docs] def set_array(self, array): import numpy, "array.npy"), array)
[docs]class ScipySparseMatrix(PimlicoDatatype): """ Wrapper around Scipy sparse matrices. The matrix loaded is always in COO format -- you probably want to convert to something else before using it. See scipy docs on sparse matrix conversions. """ def __init__(self, base_dir, pipeline, **kwargs): super(ScipySparseMatrix, self).__init__(base_dir, pipeline, **kwargs) self._array = None @property def array(self): if self._array is None: from scipy import io self._array = io.mmread(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "array.mtx")) return self._array
[docs] def data_ready(self): return super(ScipySparseMatrix, self).data_ready() and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "array.mtx"))
[docs] def check_runtime_dependencies(self): missing_dependencies = [] try: import numpy except ImportError: missing_dependencies.append(("Numpy", "install Numpy systemwide (e.g. package 'python-numpy' on Ubuntu)")) try: import scipy except ImportError: missing_dependencies.append(("Scipy", "install Scipy systemwide (e.g. package 'python-scipy' on Ubuntu)")) missing_dependencies.extend(super(ScipySparseMatrix, self).check_runtime_dependencies()) return missing_dependencies
[docs]class ScipySparseMatrixWriter(PimlicoDatatypeWriter):
[docs] def set_matrix(self, mat): from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from import mmwrite if type(mat) is not coo_matrix: # If this isn't a COO matrix, try converting it # Other scipy sparse matrix types and numpy dense arrays can all be converted in this way mat = coo_matrix(mat) mmwrite(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "array.mtx"), mat)