Source code for pimlico.cli.status

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

from pimlico.utils.format import title_box
from termcolor import colored

[docs]def module_status_color(module): if not module.module_executable: if module.all_inputs_ready(): return "green" else: return "red" elif module.status == "COMPLETE": return "green" elif module.status == "UNEXECUTED": # If the module's not been started, but its inputs are ready, use yellow if module.all_inputs_ready(): return "yellow" else: return "red" else: # All other cases are blue -- usually partial completion, ongoing execution, etc return "cyan"
[docs]def status_colored(module, text=None): """ Colour the text according to the status of the given module. If text is not given, the module's name is returned. """ text = text or module.module_name return colored(text, module_status_color(module))
[docs]def status_cmd(pipeline, opts): # Main is the default pipeline config and is always available (but not included in this list) variants = ["main"] + pipeline.available_variants print "Available pipeline variants: %s" % ", ".join(variants) print "Showing status for '%s' variant" % pipeline.variant if opts.module_name is None: # Try deriving a schedule and output it, including basic status info for each module if opts.all: # Show all modules, not just those that can be executed print "\nAll modules in pipeline with statuses:" module_names = [("-", module) for module in pipeline.modules] else: print "\nModule execution schedule with statuses:" module_names = [("%d." % i, module) for i, module in enumerate(pipeline.get_module_schedule(), start=1)] for bullet, module_name in module_names: module = pipeline[module_name] print colored(status_colored(module, " %s %s" % (bullet, module_name))) # Check module status (has it been run?) print " status: %s" % status_colored(module, module.status if module.module_executable else "not executable") # Check status of each input datatypes for input_name in module.input_names: print " input %s: %s" % ( input_name, colored("ready", "green") if module.input_ready(input_name) else colored("not ready", "red") ) print " outputs: %s" % ", ".join(module.output_names) if module.is_locked(): print " locked: ongoing execution" else: # Output more detailed status information for this module to_output = [opts.module_name] already_output = [] while len(to_output): module_name = to_output.pop() if module_name not in already_output: module = pipeline[module_name] status, more_outputs = module_status(module) # Output the module's detailed status print status if opts.history: # Also output full execution history print "\nFull execution history:" print module.execution_history already_output.append(module_name) # Allow this module to request that we output further modules to_output.extend(more_outputs)
[docs]def module_status(module): also_output = [] status_color = module_status_color(module) # Put together information about the inputs input_infos = [] for input_name in module.input_names: for (input_datatype, (input_module, input_module_output, input_additional_names)) in \ zip(module.get_input(input_name, always_list=True), module.get_input_module_connection(input_name, always_list=True)): corpus_dir = input_datatype.absolute_base_dir or "not available yet" # Format all the information about this input input_info = """\ Input {input_name}: {status} From module: {input_module} ({input_module_output} output) Datatype: {input_datatype.datatype_name}""".format( input_name=input_name, status=colored("Data ready", "green") if module.input_ready(input_name) else colored("Data not ready", "red"), input_module=input_module.module_name, input_module_output=input_module_output or "default", input_datatype=input_datatype, ) if input_module.module_executable: # Executable module: if it's been executed, we get data from there if module.input_ready(input_name): input_info += "\n Stored in: {corpus_dir}".format(corpus_dir=corpus_dir) elif input_module.is_filter(): # Filter module: output further information about where it gets its inputs from input_info += "\n Input module is a filter" also_output.append(input_module.module_name) else: # Input module input_info += "\n Pipeline input" if input_datatype.data_ready(): # Get additional detailed information from the datatype instance datatype_details = input_datatype.get_detailed_status() if datatype_details: # Indent the lines input_info = "%s\n%s" % (input_info, "\n".join(" %s" % line for line in datatype_details)) input_infos.append(input_info) # Do the same thing for the outputs output_infos = [] for output_name in module.output_names: output_datatype = module.get_output(output_name) corpus_dir = output_datatype.absolute_base_dir or "not available yet" output_info = """\ Output {output_name}: {status} Datatype: {output_datatype.datatype_name} Stored in: {corpus_dir}""".format( output_name=output_name, status=colored("Data available", "green") if output_datatype.data_ready() else colored("Data not available", "red"), output_datatype=output_datatype, corpus_dir=corpus_dir, ) if output_datatype.data_ready(): # Get additional detailed information from the datatype instance datatype_details = output_datatype.get_detailed_status() if datatype_details: # Indent the lines output_info = "%s\n%s" % (output_info, "\n".join(" %s" % line for line in datatype_details)) output_infos.append(output_info) # Get additional detailed information from the module instance module_details = module.get_detailed_status() module_details = "\n%s" % "\n".join(module_details) if module_details else "" if module.docstring: docstring = "%s\n" % module.docstring else: docstring = "" # Put together a neat summary, include the things we've formatted above return """ {title} {docstring}Status: {status} {inputs} {outputs}{lock_status} Options: {options}{module_details}""".format( title=colored(title_box("Module: %s" % module.module_name), status_color), status=colored("not executable", "green") if not module.module_executable else colored(module.status, status_color), inputs="\n".join(input_infos) if input_infos else "No inputs", outputs="\n".join(output_infos) if output_infos else "No outputs", options="\n ".join("%s: %s" % (key, val) for (key, val) in module.options.items()), module_details=module_details, lock_status="" if not module.is_locked() else "\nLocked: ongoing execution", docstring=docstring, ), also_output