Source code for pimlico.core.dependencies.python

Tools for Python library dependencies.

Provides superclasses for Python library dependencies and a selection of commonly used dependency instances.

import copy
import sys
from traceback import format_exception_only

from pimlico.core.dependencies.base import SoftwareDependency

[docs]class PythonPackageDependency(SoftwareDependency): """ Base class for Python dependencies. Provides import checks, but no installation routines. Subclasses should either provide install() or installation_instructions(). """ def __init__(self, package, name, **kwargs): super(PythonPackageDependency, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) self.package = package
[docs] def problems(self): probs = super(PythonPackageDependency, self).problems() # Make a fresh start on trying to import the module, removing it from sys.modules if it's already been imported # If we don't do this, we might not get the same error the second time we call this removed_modules = [] for mod_name in copy.copy(sys.modules): if mod_name.startswith(self.package): removed_modules.append((mod_name, sys.modules[mod_name])) del sys.modules[mod_name] try: self.import_package() except ImportError, e: e_type, e_value, __ = sys.exc_info() error = " // ".join([e.strip(" \n") for e in format_exception_only(e_type, e_value)]) probs.append("could not import %s (%s)" % (self.package, error)) finally: # If we removed any modules from sys.modules before the import and they've not been added in by the import, # put them back again now for mod_name, mod_val in removed_modules: if mod_name not in sys.modules: sys.modules[mod_name] = mod_val return probs
[docs] def import_package(self): """ Try importing package_name. By default, just uses `__import__`. Allows subclasses to allow for special import behaviour. Should raise an `ImportError` if import fails. """ return __import__(self.package)
[docs] def get_installed_version(self): """ Tries to import a __version__ variable from the package, which is a standard way to define the package version. """ # Import the package # We're allowed to assume that available() returns True, so this import should work pck = self.import_package() # Try a load of different names that would denote the version string possible_names = ["__version__", "__VERSION__", "__release__"] for var_name in possible_names: if hasattr(pck, var_name): return str(getattr(pck, var_name)) # None of these worked: fall back to default behaviour return super(PythonPackageDependency, self).get_installed_version()
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, PythonPackageDependency) and self.package == other.package
[docs]class PythonPackageSystemwideInstall(PythonPackageDependency): """ Dependency on a Python package that needs to be installed system-wide. """ def __init__(self, package_name, name, pip_package=None, apt_package=None, yum_package=None, **kwargs): super(PythonPackageSystemwideInstall, self).__init__(package_name, name, **kwargs) self.pip_package = pip_package self.apt_package = apt_package self.yum_package = yum_package
[docs] def installable(self): return False
[docs] def installation_instructions(self): if self.pip_package is not None: pip_message = "\n\nInstall with Pip using:\n pip install '%s'" % self.pip_package else: pip_message = "" if self.apt_package is not None: apt_message = "\n\nOn Ubuntu/Debian systems, install using:\n sudo apt-get install %s" % self.apt_package else: apt_message = "" if self.yum_package is not None: yum_message = "\n\nOn Red Hat/Fedora systems, install using:\n sudo yum install %s" % self.yum_package else: yum_message = "" return "This Python library must be installed system-wide (which requires superuser privileges)%s%s%s" % \ (pip_message, apt_message, yum_message)
[docs]class PythonPackageOnPip(PythonPackageDependency): """ Python package that can be installed via pip. Will be installed in the virtualenv if not available. """ def __init__(self, package, name=None, pip_package=None, **kwargs): # Package names tend to be identical to the software name, so there's no need to specify both if name is None: name = package # If pip_package is given, use that as pip install target instead of package name # For cases where Python package name doesn't coincide with install target self.pip_package = pip_package or package super(PythonPackageOnPip, self).__init__(package, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def installable(self): return True
[docs] def install(self, trust_downloaded_archives=False): from pip.index import PackageFinder from pip.req import InstallRequirement, RequirementSet from pip.locations import build_prefix, src_prefix # Enable verbose output # NB: This only works on old versions of Pip # TODO Implement equivalent for newer versions try: from pip.log import logger logger.add_consumers((logger.INFO, sys.stdout)) except: pass # Build a requirement set containing just the package we need requirement_set = RequirementSet(build_dir=build_prefix, src_dir=src_prefix, download_dir=None) requirement_set.add_requirement(InstallRequirement.from_line(self.pip_package)) install_options = [] global_options = [] finder = PackageFinder(find_links=[], index_urls=[""]) requirement_set.prepare_files(finder, force_root_egg_info=False, bundle=False) # Run installation requirement_set.install(install_options, global_options)
def __repr__(self): return "PythonPackageOnPip<%s%s>" % (, (" (%s)" % self.package) if self.package != else "")
[docs] def get_installed_version(self): from import search_packages_info # Use Pip to get the version number of the installed version installed_packages = list(search_packages_info(self.pip_package)) if len(installed_packages): # Found the Pip package info: this contains the version return installed_packages[0]["version"] else: # Pip package not found # This can happen because the package wasn't installed with Pip, but is available because it's importable return super(PythonPackageOnPip, self).get_installed_version()
################################### # Some commonly used dependencies # ################################### numpy_dependency = PythonPackageSystemwideInstall("numpy", "Numpy", pip_package="numpy", yum_package="numpy", apt_package="python-numpy", url="") scipy_dependency = PythonPackageSystemwideInstall("scipy", "Scipy", pip_package="scipy", yum_package="scipy", apt_package="python-scipy", url="") theano_dependency = PythonPackageOnPip("theano", pip_package="Theano") keras_dependency = PythonPackageOnPip("keras", dependencies=[theano_dependency])