Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

Tool to generate Pimlico module docs. Based on Sphinx's apidoc tool.

import argparse

import sys

import os
import warnings
from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from sphinx import __version__
from sphinx.apidoc import format_heading

from pimlico import install_core_dependencies
from pimlico.core.modules.options import format_option_type
from pimlico.datatypes.base import DynamicOutputDatatype, PimlicoDatatype, MultipleInputs
from import trim_docstring
from import make_table

[docs]def generate_docs_for_pymod(module, output_dir): """ Generate RST docs for Pimlico modules on a given Python path and output to a directory. """ module_name = module.__name__ # Look at all this module's submodules submodules = dict((modname, (importer, is_package)) for (importer, modname, is_package) in iter_modules(module.__path__, prefix="%s." % module_name)) if "" % module_name in submodules and not submodules["" % module_name][1]: # This looks like a Pimlico module # Don't recurse to submodules, but trying building module docs for this one generate_docs_for_pimlico_mod(module_name, output_dir) else: # Not a Pimlico module: recurse into subpackages all_generated = [] for modname, (importer, is_package) in sorted(submodules.items()): if is_package: # Import the module (package) so we can recurse on it submod = importer.find_module(modname).load_module(modname) generate_docs_for_pymod(submod, output_dir) all_generated.append(submod.__name__) # If the submodule has a docstring, it goes onto the index page if module.__doc__ is not None and module.__doc__.strip("\n "): # By convention, the first line is used as a title module_title, __, module_doc = module.__doc__.lstrip("\n ").partition("\n") else: module_title = "Package %s" % module_name module_doc = "" # Generate an index for this submodule generate_contents_page(all_generated, output_dir, module_name, module_title, module_doc)
[docs]def generate_docs_for_pimlico_mod(module_path, output_dir): print "Building docs for %s" % module_path # Import the info pymodule so we can get the ModuleInfo class info = import_module("" % module_path) # We know this exists try: ModuleInfo = info.ModuleInfo except AttributeError: # If there's no ModuleInfo, it's not a valid Pimlico module # Warn, since it looks like it's supposed to be one warnings.warn("Module %s has no ModuleInfo in its" % module_path) return # Collect key information from the module info key_info = [ ["Path", module_path], ["Executable", "yes" if ModuleInfo.module_executable else "no"], ] + ModuleInfo.get_key_info_table() input_table = [ [input_name, input_datatype_list(input_types)] for input_name, input_types in ModuleInfo.module_inputs ] output_table = [ [output_name, output_datatype_text(output_types)] for output_name, output_types in ModuleInfo.module_outputs ] optional_output_table = [ [output_name, output_datatype_text(output_types)] for output_name, output_types in ModuleInfo.module_optional_outputs ] info_doc = info.__doc__ module_info_doc = ModuleInfo.__doc__ additional_paras = [] if ModuleInfo.is_input(): additional_paras.append("This is an input module. It takes no pipeline inputs and is used to read in data") if ModuleInfo.is_filter(): additional_paras.append( "This is a filter module. It is not executable, so won't appear in a pipeline's list of modules that can " "be run. It produces its output for the next module on the fly when the next module needs it." ) # Put together the options table options_table = [ [ option_name, "(required) " if d.get("required", False) else "" + d.get("help", ""), format_option_type(d.get("type", str)), ] for (option_name, d) in ModuleInfo.module_options.items() ] filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.rst" % module_path) with open(filename, "w") as output_file: # Make a page heading output_file.write(format_heading(0, ModuleInfo.module_readable_name or ModuleInfo.module_type_name)) # Add a directive to mark this as the documentation for the py module that defines the Pimlico module output_file.write(".. py:module:: %s\n\n" % module_path) # Output a summary table of key information output_file.write("%s\n" % make_table(key_info)) # Insert text from docstrings if info_doc is not None: output_file.write(trim_docstring(info_doc) + "\n\n") if module_info_doc is not None: output_file.write(trim_docstring(module_info_doc) + "\n\n") output_file.write("\n") output_file.write("".join("%s\n\n" % para for para in additional_paras)) # Output a table of inputs output_file.write(format_heading(1, "Inputs")) if input_table: output_file.write("%s\n" % make_table(input_table, header=["Name", "Type(s)"])) else: output_file.write("No inputs\n") # Table of outputs output_file.write(format_heading(1, "Outputs")) if output_table: output_file.write("%s\n" % make_table(output_table, header=["Name", "Type(s)"])) elif optional_output_table: output_file.write("No non-optional outputs\n") else: output_file.write("No outputs\n") if optional_output_table: output_file.write("\n" + format_heading(2, "Optional")) output_file.write("%s\n" % make_table(optional_output_table, header=["Name", "Type(s)"])) # Table of options if options_table: output_file.write(format_heading(1, "Options")) output_file.write("%s\n" % make_table(options_table, header=["Name", "Description", "Type"])) return ModuleInfo
[docs]def input_datatype_list(types): if type(types) is tuple: # This is a list of types return " or ".join(input_datatype_text(t) for t in types) else: # Just a single type return input_datatype_text(types)
[docs]def input_datatype_text(datatype): if isinstance(datatype, type) and issubclass(datatype, PimlicoDatatype): # Standard behaviour for normal datatypes return ":class:`%s <%s>`" % (datatype.__name__, datatype.datatype_full_class_name()) elif isinstance(datatype, MultipleInputs): # Multiple inputs, but the datatype is known: call this function to format the common type return "list of %s" % input_datatype_text(datatype.datatype_requirements) elif datatype.datatype_doc_info is not None: # Dynamic input type that gives us a name to use return datatype.datatype_doc_info else: # Dynamic datatype requirement with no custom string return ":class:`%s <%s.%s>`" % (type(datatype).__name__, type(datatype).__module__, type(datatype).__name__)
[docs]def output_datatype_text(datatype): if isinstance(datatype, DynamicOutputDatatype): # Use the datatype name given by the dynamic datatype and link to the class datatype_class = datatype.get_base_datatype_class() if datatype_class is not None: datatype_class_name = datatype_class.datatype_full_class_name() else: # Just link to the dynamic datatype class datatype_class_name = "%s.%s" % (type(datatype).__module__, type(datatype).__name__) datatype_name = datatype.datatype_name or type(datatype).__name__ return ":class:`%s <%s>`" % (datatype_name, datatype_class_name) else: return ":class:`~%s`" % datatype.datatype_full_class_name()
[docs]def generate_contents_page(modules, output_dir, index_name, title, content): with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.rst" % index_name), "w") as index_file: index_file.write("""\ {title} .. py:module:: {index_name} {content} .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: {list} """.format( title=format_heading(0, title), content=content, list="\n ".join(modules), index_name=index_name, ))
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate module documentation RST files from core Pimlico modules, " "or your own Pimlico modules") parser.add_argument("output_dir", help="Where to put the .rst files") parser.add_argument("--path", default="pimlico.modules", help="Base Python module path to generate docs for. Defaults to generating docs for core " "modules from the Pimlico distribution. Use this to generate module docs for your own " "modules") opts = parser.parse_args() output_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.output_dir) # Install basic Pimlico requirements install_core_dependencies() print "Sphinx %s" % __version__ print "Pimlico module doc generator" try: base_mod = import_module(opts.path) except ImportError, e: print "Could not import base module %s: %s" % (opts.path, e) print "Did you add your own modules to the pythonpath? (Current paths: %s)" % \ u", ".join(sys.path).encode("ascii", "ignore") print "Cannot generate docs" sys.exit(1) print "Generating docs for %s (including all submodules)" % opts.path print "Outputting module docs to %s" % output_dir if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) generate_docs_for_pymod(base_mod, output_dir)