pimlico.cli.loaddump module

class DumpCmd[source]

Bases: pimlico.cli.subcommands.PimlicoCLISubcommand

Command to dump the output data from a given pipeline module to a tarball.

command_name = 'dump'
command_help = 'Dump the entire available output data from a given pipeline module to a tarball, so that it can easily be loaded into the same pipeline on another system. This is primarily to support spreading the execution of a pipeline between multiple machines, so that the output from a module can easily be transferred and loaded into a pipeline'
run_command(pipeline, opts)[source]
class LoadCmd[source]

Bases: pimlico.cli.subcommands.PimlicoCLISubcommand

Command to load the output data for a given pipeline module from a tarball previously created by the dump command (typically on another machine).

command_name = 'load'
command_help = "Load a module's output data from a tarball previously created by the dump command, usually on a different system. This will overwrite any output data the module already has completely, including metadata, run history, etc. You may load multiple modules' data at once"
run_command(pipeline, opts)[source]