
Command-line tool subcommand

View the data output by a module.

Usage: [...] browse module_name [output_name] [-h] [--raw] [--skip-invalid] [--formatter FORMATTER]

Positional arguments

Arg Description
module_name The name (or number) of the module whose output to look at. Use ‘module:stage’ for multi-stage modules
[output_name] The name of the output from the module to browse. If blank, load the default output


Option Description
--raw, -r Don’t parse the data using the output datatype (i.e. just read the raw text). If not set, we output the result of applying unicode() to the parsed data structure, or a custom formatting if the datatype loaded defines one
--skip-invalid Skip over invalid documents, instead of showing the error that caused them to be invalid
--formatter, -f Fully qualified class name of a subclass of DocumentBrowserFormatter to use to determine what to output for each document. If specified, –raw is ignored. You may also choose from the named standard formatters for the datatype in question. Use ‘-f help’ to see a list of available formatters