Running one pipeline on multiple computers

Multiple servers

In most of the examples, we’ve been setting up a pipeline, with a config file, some source code and some data, all on one machine. Then we run each module in turn, checking that it has all the software and data that it needs to run.

But it’s not unusual to find yourself needing to process a dataset across different computers. For example, you have access to a server with lots of CPUs and one module in your pipeline would benefit greatly from parallelizing lots of little tasks over them. However, you don’t have permission to install software on that server that you need for another module.

This is not a problem: you can simply put your config file and code on both machines. After running one module on one machine, you copy over its output to the place on the other machine where Pimlico expects to find it. Then you’re ready to run the next module on the second machine.

Pimlico is designed to handle this situation nicely.

  • It doesn’t expect software requirements for all modules to be satisfied before you can run any of them. Software dependencies are checked only for modules about to be run and the code used to execute a module is not even loaded until you actually run the module.
  • It doesn’t require you to execute your pipeline in order. If the output from a module is available where it’s expected to be, you can happily run any modules that take that data as input, even if the pipeline up to that point doesn’t appear to have been executed (e.g. if it’s been run on another machine).
  • It provides you with tools to make it easier to copy data between machines. You can easily copy the output data from one module to the appropriate location on another server, so it’s ready to be used as input to another module there.

Copying data between computers

Let’s assume you’ve got your pipeline set up, with identical config files, on two computers: server_a and server_b. You’ve run the first module in your pipeline, module1, on server_a and want to run the next, module2, which takes input from module1, on server_b.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Dump the data from the pipeline on server_a. This packages up the output data for a module in a single file.
  • Copy the dumped file from server_a to server_b, in whatever way is most convenient, e.g., using scp.
  • Load the dumped file into the pipeline on server_b. This unpacks the data directory for the file and puts it in Pimlico’s data directory for the module.

For example, on server_a:

$ ./ pipeline.conf dump module1
$ scp ~/module1.tar.gz server_b:~/

Note that the dump command created a .tar.gz file in your home directory. If you want to put it somewhere else, use the --output option to specify a directory. The file is named after the module that you’re dumping.

Now, log into server_b and load the data.

$ ./ pipeline.conf load ~/module1.tar.gz

Now module1‘s output data is in the right place and ready for use by module2.

The dump and load commands can also process data for multiple modules at once. For example:

$ mkdir ~/modules
$ ./ pipeline.conf dump module1 ... module10 --output ~/modules
$ scp -r ~/modules server_b:~/

Then on server_b:

$ ./ pipeline.conf load ~/modules/*

Other issues

Aside from getting data between the servers, there are certain issues that often arise when running a pipeline across multiple servers.

  • Shared Pimlico codebase. If you share the directory that contains Pimlico’s code across servers
    (e.g. NFS or rsync), you can have problems resulting from sharing the libraries it installs. See instructions for using multiple virtualenvs for the solution.
  • Shared home directory. If you share your home directory across servers, using the same .pimlico local
    config file might be a problem. See Local configuration for various possible solutions.