Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

import sys
from traceback import print_exc, format_exception_only

from pimlico import cfg
from pimlico.cli.subcommands import PimlicoCLISubcommand
from pimlico.core.modules.base import ModuleInfoLoadError, collect_runnable_modules
from pimlico.core.modules.execute import check_and_execute_modules, ModuleExecutionError, ModuleNotReadyError
from pimlico.core.modules.multistage import MultistageModuleInfo
from import EmailConfig, EmailError
from pimlico.utils.logging import get_console_logger

[docs]class RunCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): """ Main command for executing Pimlico modules from the command line `run` command. """ command_name = "run" command_help = "Execute an individual pipeline module, or a sequence"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("modules", nargs="*", help="The name (or number) of the module to run. To run a stage from a multi-stage " "module, use 'module:stage'. Use 'status' command to see available modules. " "Use 'module:?' or 'module:help' to list available stages. If not given, " "defaults to next incomplete module that has all its inputs ready. You may give " "multiple modules, in which case they will be executed in the order specified") parser.add_argument("--force-rerun", "-f", action="store_true", help="Force running the module(s), even if it's already been run to completion") parser.add_argument("--all-deps", "-a", action="store_true", help="If the given module(s) has dependent modules that have not been completed, executed " "them first. This allows you to specify a module late in the pipeline and execute the " "full pipeline leading to that point") parser.add_argument("--all", action="store_true", help="Run all currently unexecuted modules that have their inputs ready, or will have " "by the time previous modules are run. (List of modules will be ignored)") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", "--dry", "--check", action="store_true", help="Perform all pre-execution checks, but don't actually run the module(s)") parser.add_argument("--step", action="store_true", help="Enabled super-verbose debugging mode, which steps through a module's processing " "outputting a lot of information and allowing you to control the output as it goes. " "Useful for working out what's going on inside a module if it's mysteriously not " "producing the output you expected") parser.add_argument("--preliminary", "--pre", action="store_true", help="Perform a preliminary run of any modules that take multiple datasets into one of " "their inputs. This means that we will run the module even if not all the datasets " "are yet available (but at least one is) and mark it as preliminarily completed") parser.add_argument("--exit-on-error", "-e", action="store_true", help="If an error is encountered while executing a module that causes the whole module " "execution to fail, output the error and exit. By default, Pimlico will send " "error output to a file (or print it in debug mode) and continue to execute the " "next module that can be executed, if any") parser.add_argument("--email", choices=["modend", "end"], help="Send email notifications when processing is complete, including information about " "the outcome. Choose from: 'modend' (send notification after module execution if it " "fails and a summary at the end of everything), 'end' " "(send only the final summary). Email sending must be configured: " "see 'email' command to test")
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): debug = opts.debug log = get_console_logger("Pimlico", debug=debug) dry_run = opts.dry_run if dry_run:"DRY RUN")"Running all pre-execution checks, but not executing any modules") preliminary = opts.preliminary if preliminary:"PRELIMINARY RUN")"Allowing modules with multiple-dataset inputs to execute even if not all the datasets are ready") step = opts.step if step:"STEP MODE")"Running the module(s) in super-verbose, interactive step-mode to debug") pipeline.enable_step() if cfg.NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE:"NON-INTERACTIVE MODE: dynamic output like progress bars will be skipped in many cases") if opts.all: opts.all_deps = False if opts.modules: log.warn("Ignoring modules specified and running all that can be run") # Find all modules that can be run now opts.modules = collect_runnable_modules(pipeline, preliminary=preliminary) if opts.modules:"Found %d runnable, unexecuted modules" % len(opts.modules)) else: log.error("None of the unexecuted modules are ready to run") sys.exit(1) if opts.modules is None or len(opts.modules) == 0: # No module name given: default to next one that's ready to run modules = [(module_name, pipeline[module_name]) for module_name in pipeline.modules] ready_modules = [module_name for (module_name, module) in modules if module.module_executable and not module.is_locked() and module.status != "COMPLETE" and module.all_inputs_ready()] if len(ready_modules) == 0: print >>sys.stderr, "No modules not already completed have all their inputs ready: no module name to " \ "default to" sys.exit(1) else: module_specs = [ready_modules[0]]"No module name specified. Defaulting to next unexecuted, ready module: '%s'" % module_specs[0]) else: orig_module_specs = opts.modules module_specs = [] for module_spec in orig_module_specs: # In the case of a multi-stage module allow a list to be output of available stages module_name, __, stage_name = module_spec.rpartition(":") if stage_name in ["?", "help"]: # Just output stage names and exit module = pipeline[module_name] if not isinstance(module, MultistageModuleInfo): print "%s is not a multi-stage module" % module_name sys.exit(1) print "Module stages: %s" % ", ".join( for stage in module.stages) sys.exit(0) elif module_name and stage_name in ["*", "all"]: # Execute all stages at once, by expanding the list of modules to include all this one's stages module = pipeline[module_name] # Only makes sense with a multistage module if not isinstance(module, MultistageModuleInfo): print "%s is not a multi-stage module: tried to execute all stages (%s)" % (module_name, module_spec) sys.exit(1) module_specs.extend(["%s:%s" % (module_name, for stage in module.stages]) else: # Pass through unchanged # If this has a stage specifier, fine: the pipeline makes the stage module available by that name module_specs.append(module_spec) pipeline_name = "'%s'" % if pipeline.variant == "main" else \ "'%s' (variant '%s')" % (, pipeline.variant)"Using pipeline %s" % pipeline_name) if pipeline.local_config_sources:"Loaded local config from: %s" % ", ".join(pipeline.local_config_sources)) # If email report has been requested, check now before we begin that email sending is configured try: EmailConfig.from_local_config(pipeline.local_config) except EmailError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Email sending requested, but local email config is not ready:" print >>sys.stderr, str(e) print >>sys.stderr, "Please fix in local config file to use email reports" sys.exit(1) exit_status = 0 try: # If this completes, there might have been an error, in which case the appropriate exit status is returned exit_status = check_and_execute_modules( pipeline, module_specs, force_rerun=opts.force_rerun, debug=debug, log=log, all_deps=opts.all_deps, check_only=dry_run, exit_on_error=opts.exit_on_error, preliminary=preliminary, ) except (ModuleInfoLoadError, ModuleNotReadyError), e: exit_status = 1 if debug: print_exc() if hasattr(e, "cause") and e.cause is not None: print >>sys.stderr, "Caused by: %s" % "".join(format_exception_only(type(e.cause), e.cause)), # See whether the problem came from a specific module module_name = getattr(e, "module_name", None) if module_name is not None: error_type = ("Error loading module info for %s" % module_name) if type(e) is ModuleInfoLoadError else \ ("Error: module '%s' not ready to run" % module_name) print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (error_type, e) else: error_type = "Error loading module info" if type(e) is ModuleInfoLoadError else \ "Error: module not ready to run" print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (error_type, e) except ModuleExecutionError, e: exit_status = 1 if debug: print_exc() if hasattr(e, "cause") and e.cause is not None: print >>sys.stderr, "Caused by: %s" % "".join(format_exception_only(type(e.cause), e.cause)), # See whether the problem came from a specific module module_name = getattr(e, "module_name", None) if module_name is not None: print >>sys.stderr, "Error running module '%s': %s" % (module_name, e) else: print >>sys.stderr, "Error running modules: %s" % e except KeyboardInterrupt: print >>sys.stderr, "Exiting before execution completed due to user interrupt" # Raise the exception so we see the full stack trace if debug: raise else: if dry_run:"All checks were successful. Modules are ready to run") sys.exit(exit_status)