Source code for

import threading
import warnings
from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from traceback import format_exc

from pimlico.core.config import PipelineStructureError
from pimlico.core.modules.base import BaseModuleInfo, BaseModuleExecutor, satisfies_typecheck
from pimlico.core.modules.execute import ModuleExecutionError, StopProcessing
from pimlico.datatypes.base import InvalidDocument
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import TarredCorpus, AlignedTarredCorpora, TarredCorpusWriter
from pimlico.utils.core import multiwith
from pimlico.utils.pipes import qget
from pimlico.utils.progress import get_progress_bar

[docs]class DocumentMapModuleInfo(BaseModuleInfo): """ Abstract module type that maps each document in turn in a corpus. It produces a single output document for every input. Subclasses should specify the input types, which should all be subclasses of TarredCorpus, and output types, the first of which (i.e. default) should also be a subclass of TarredCorpus. The base class deals with iterating over the input(s) and writing the outputs to a new TarredCorpus. The subclass only needs to implement the mapping function applied to each document (in its executor). """ # Most subclasses will want to override this to give a more specific datatype for the output module_outputs = [("documents", TarredCorpus)] def __init__(self, module_name, pipeline, **kwargs): super(DocumentMapModuleInfo, self).__init__(module_name, pipeline, **kwargs) # Load all the input datatypes now in order to perform typechecking # Note that we don't store these now, but reload them when we start execution, as it's important # that they've been freshly instantiated prior to execution # Otherwise they can end up cacheing things that get changed by other modules executed first self._load_inputs() def _load_inputs(self): # Prepare the list of document map inputs that will be fed into the executor # We may have multiple inputs, which should be aligned tarred corpora # If there's only one, this also works inputs = [self.get_input(input_name) for input_name in self.input_names] # We also allow (additional) inputs that are not tarred corpora, which get left out of this datasets = [corpus for corpus in inputs if satisfies_typecheck(corpus, TarredCorpus)] if len(datasets) == 0: raise PipelineStructureError( "document map module '%s' got no TarredCorpus instances among its inputs" % self.module_name) return datasets input_corpora = property(_load_inputs)
[docs] def get_writer(self, output_name, output_dir, append=False): """ Get the writer instance that will be given processed documents to write. Should return a subclass of TarredCorpusWriter. The default implementation instantiates a plain TarredCorpusWriter. """ return TarredCorpusWriter(output_dir, append=append)
[docs] def get_writers(self, append=False): # Only include the outputs that are tarred corpus types # This allows there to be other outputs aside from those mapped to outputs = [name for name in self.output_names if isinstance(self.get_output(name), TarredCorpus)] return tuple(self.get_writer(name, self.get_absolute_output_dir(name), append=append) for name in outputs)
[docs] def get_detailed_status(self): status_lines = super(DocumentMapModuleInfo, self).get_detailed_status() if self.status == "PARTIALLY_PROCESSED": status_lines.append("Processed %d documents" % self.get_metadata()["docs_completed"]) status_lines.append("Last doc completed: %s" % self.get_metadata()["last_doc_completed"]) return status_lines
[docs]class DocumentMapModuleExecutor(BaseModuleExecutor): """ Base class for executors for document map modules. Subclasses should provide the behaviour for each individual document by defining a pool (and worker processes) to handle the documents as they're fed into it. Note that in most cases it won't be necessary to override the pool and worker base classes yourself. Unless you need special behaviour, use the standard implementations and factory functions. Although the pattern of execution for all document map modules is based on parallel processing (creating a pool, spawning worker processes, etc), this doesn't mean that all such modules have to be parallelizable. If you have no reason not to parallelize, it's recommended that you do (with single-process execution as a special case). However, sometimes parallelizing isn't so simple: in these cases, consider using the tools in :mod:.singleproc. """ def __init__(self, module_instance_info, **kwargs): super(DocumentMapModuleExecutor, self).__init__(module_instance_info, **kwargs) self.input_corpora = self.input_iterator = AlignedTarredCorpora(self.input_corpora)
[docs] def preprocess(self): """ Allows subclasses to define a set-up procedure to be called before corpus processing begins. """ pass
[docs] def postprocess(self, error=False): """ Allows subclasses to define a finishing procedure to be called after corpus processing if finished. """ pass
[docs] def create_pool(self, processes): """ Should return an instance of the pool to be used for document processing. Should generally be a subclass of DocumentProcessorPool. Always called after preprocess(). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def retrieve_processing_status(self): # Check the metadata to see whether we've already partially completed this if == "PARTIALLY_PROCESSED": docs_completed =["docs_completed"] first_archive, __, first_filename =["last_doc_completed"].partition("/") start_after = (first_archive, first_filename) "Module has been partially executed already; picking up where we left off, after doc %s/%s " "(skipping %d docs, %d to process)" % (start_after[0], start_after[1], docs_completed, (len(self.input_iterator) - docs_completed)) ) else: docs_completed = 0 start_after = None return docs_completed, start_after
[docs] def update_processing_status(self, docs_completed, archive_name, filename):{ "status": "PARTIALLY_PROCESSED", "last_doc_completed": u"%s/%s" % (archive_name, filename), "docs_completed": docs_completed, })
[docs] def execute(self): # Call the set-up routine, if one's been defined"Preparing parallel document map execution with %d processes" % self.processes) self.preprocess() # Start up a pool try: self.pool = self.create_pool(self.processes) except WorkerStartupError, e: raise ModuleExecutionError(e.message, cause=e.cause, debugging_info=e.debugging_info) complete = False result_buffer = {} input_feeder = None docs_completed_now = 0 docs_completed_before, start_after = self.retrieve_processing_status() total_to_process = len(self.input_iterator) - docs_completed_before try: # Prepare a corpus writer for the output with multiwith(* is not None)) as writers: if total_to_process < 1: # No input documents, don't go any further # We've come in this far so that the writer gets created and finishing up is done: # might need to finish writing metadata or suchlike if we failed last time once all docs were done"No documents to process") else: pbar = get_progress_bar(total_to_process, counter=True, title="%s map" %"_", " ").capitalize())"Starting execution on %d docs" % total_to_process) # Inputs will be taken from this as they're needed input_iter = iter(self.input_iterator.archive_iter(start_after=start_after)) # Set a thread going to feed things onto the input queue input_feeder = InputQueueFeeder(self.pool.input_queue, input_iter, complete_callback=self.pool.notify_no_more_inputs) # Wait to make sure the input feeder's fed something into the input queue input_feeder.started.wait() # Check what document we're looking for next next_document = input_feeder.get_next_output_document() while next_document is not None: # Wait for a document coming off the output queue while True: try: # Wait a little bit to see if there's a result available result = qget(self.pool.output_queue, timeout=0.2) except Empty: # Timed out: check there's not been an error in one of the processes try: error = self.pool.exception_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: # No error: just keep waiting pass else: # Got an error from a process: raise it # First empty the exception queue, in case there were multiple errors sleep(0.05) while not self.pool.exception_queue.empty(): qget(self.pool.exception_queue, timeout=0.1) # Sometimes, a traceback from within the process is included debugging = error.traceback if hasattr(error, "traceback") else None raise ModuleExecutionError("error in worker process: %s" % error, cause=error, debugging_info=debugging) except: raise else: # Got a result from a process break # We've got some result, but it might not be the one we're looking for # Add it to a buffer, so we can potentially keep it and only output it when its turn comes up result_buffer[(result.archive, result.filename)] = pbar.update(docs_completed_now + len(result_buffer)) # Write out as many as we can of the docs that have been sent and whose output is available # while maintaining the order they were put in in while next_document in result_buffer: archive, filename = next_document next_output = result_buffer.pop((archive, filename)) # Next document processed: output the result precisely as in the single-core case if type(next_output) is InvalidDocument: # Just got a single invalid document out: write it out to every output next_output = [next_output] * len(writers) elif type(next_output) is not tuple: # If the processor produces a single result and there's only one output, fine next_output = (next_output,) if len(next_output) != len(writers): raise ModuleExecutionError( "%s executor's process_document() returned %d results for a document, but the " "module has %d outputs" % (type(self).__name__, len(next_output), len(writers)) ) # Write the result to the output corpora for result, writer in zip(next_output, writers): writer.add_document(archive, filename, result) # Update the module's metadata to say that we've completed this document docs_completed_now += 1 self.update_processing_status(docs_completed_before+docs_completed_now, archive, filename) # Check what document we're waiting for now next_document = input_feeder.get_next_output_document() pbar.finish() complete = True except ModuleExecutionError, e: if == "PARTIALLY_PROCESSED":"Processed documents recorded: restart processing where you left off by calling run " "again once you've fixed the problem (%d docs processed in this run, %d processed in " "total)" % (docs_completed_now, docs_completed_before+docs_completed_now)) # Set the end status so that the top-level routine doesn't replace it with a generic failure status e.end_status = raise finally: # Call the finishing-off routine, if one's been defined if complete:"Document mapping complete. Finishing off") else:"Document mapping failed. Finishing off") self.postprocess(error=not complete) if input_feeder is not None: input_feeder.shutdown()
[docs]def skip_invalid(fn): """ Decorator to apply to document map executor process_document() methods where you want to skip doing any processing if any of the input documents are invalid and just pass through the error information. Be careful not to confuse this with the process_document() methods on datatypes. You don't need a decorator on them to skip invalid documents, as it's not called on them anyway. """ def _fn(self, archive, filename, *docs): invalid = [doc for doc in docs if type(doc) is InvalidDocument] if len(invalid): # If there's more than one InvalidDocument among the inputs, just return the first one return invalid[0] else: return fn(self, archive, filename, *docs) return _fn
[docs]def skip_invalids(fn): """ Decorator to apply to document map executor process_documents() methods where you want to skip doing any processing if any of the input documents are invalid and just pass through the error information. """ def _fn(self, input_tuples): invalids = [[doc for doc in args[2:] if type(doc) is InvalidDocument] for args in input_tuples] # Leave out input tuples where there are invalid docs input_tuples = [input_tuple for (input_tuple, invalid) in zip(input_tuples, invalids) if len(invalid) == 0] # Only call the inner function in those without invalid docs results = fn(self, input_tuples) if len(input_tuples) else [] # Reinsert a single invalid doc in the positions where they were in the input for i, invalid in enumerate(invalids): if len(invalid) > 0: # As with the single-doc version, use the first invalid doc among the inputs results.insert(i, invalid[0]) return results return _fn
[docs]def invalid_doc_on_error(fn): """ Decorator to apply to process_document() methods that causes all exceptions to be caught and an InvalidDocument to be returned as the result, instead of letting the error propagate up and call a halt to the whole corpus processing. """ def _fn(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) except StopProcessing: # Processing was cancelled, killed or otherwise called to a halt # Don't report this as an error processing a doc, but raise it raise except Exception, e: # Error while processing the document: output an invalid document, with some error information if isinstance(self, TarredCorpus): # Decorator wrapped a process_document() method on a datatype # Instead of the module name, output the datatype name and its base dir return InvalidDocument("datatype:%s[%s]" % (self.datatype_name, self.base_dir), "%s\n%s" % (e, format_exc())) else: # This covers the case of wrapping a process_document() function for a map factory, # since the first argument is always the worker process return InvalidDocument(, "%s\n%s" % (e, format_exc())) return _fn
[docs]def invalid_docs_on_error(fn): """ Decorator to apply to process_documents() methods that causes all exceptions to be caught and an InvalidDocument to be returned as the result for every input document. """ def _fn(self, input_tuples): try: return fn(self, input_tuples) except StopProcessing: # Processing was cancelled, killed or otherwise called to a halt # Don't report this as an error processing a doc, but raise it raise except Exception, e: # Error while processing the document: output invalid documents, with some error information if isinstance(self, TarredCorpus): # Decorator wrapped a process_document() method on a datatype # Instead of the module name, output the datatype name and its base dir return [InvalidDocument("datatype:%s[%s]" % (self.datatype_name, self.base_dir), "%s\n%s" % (e, format_exc()))] * len(input_tuples) else: return [InvalidDocument(, "%s\n%s" % (e, format_exc()))] * len(input_tuples) return _fn
[docs]class ProcessOutput(object): """ Wrapper for all result data coming out from a worker. """ def __init__(self, archive, filename, data): = data self.filename = filename self.archive = archive
[docs]class InputQueueFeeder(Thread): """ Background thread to read input documents from an iterator and feed them onto an input queue for worker processes/threads. """ def __init__(self, input_queue, iterator, complete_callback=None): super(InputQueueFeeder, self).__init__() self.complete_callback = complete_callback self.daemon = True self.iterator = iterator self.input_queue = input_queue self._docs_processing = Queue() self.started = threading.Event() self.feeding_complete = threading.Event() self.cancelled = threading.Event() self.ended = threading.Event() self.exception_queue = Queue(1) # Accumulate a list of invalid docs that have been fed, just for information self.invalid_docs = Queue() self._invalid_docs_list = [] self.start()
[docs] def get_next_output_document(self): while True: if self.feeding_complete.is_set(): # All docs have now been queued # Once there are no more docs on _doc_processing, we're done try: return self._docs_processing.get_nowait() except Empty: return None elif self.cancelled.is_set(): # Not finished feeding, but cancelled, so don't return a doc return None else: # Possible that docs_processing is empty, if we're waiting for the feeder # Wait until we know what the next document to come out is to be # Don't wait forever: can deadlock if we get here twice between the last queue put and the complete # flag being set. Timeout and check whether feeding is complete if we don't get a result soon try: return self._docs_processing.get(timeout=0.1) except Empty: pass # Check there wasn't an error during feeding # Happens, e.g., if the input datatype or filter has an error try: error = self.exception_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: # No error: just keep waiting pass else: # Got an error from feed iterator: raise it # First empty the exception queue, in case there were multiple errors sleep(0.05) while not self.exception_queue.empty(): self.exception_queue.get(timeout=0.1) # Sometimes, a traceback from within the process is included if hasattr(error, "traceback"): debugging = "Traceback from worker process:\n%s" % error.traceback else: debugging = None raise ModuleExecutionError("error in worker process: %s" % error, cause=error, debugging_info=debugging)
[docs] def check_invalid(self, archive, filename): """ Checks whether a given document was invalid in the input. Once the check has been performed, the item is removed from the list, for efficiency, so this should only be called once per document. """ # Update the invalid docs list from the queue while not self.invalid_docs.empty(): self._invalid_docs_list.append(self.invalid_docs.get_nowait()) self._invalid_docs_list = [d for d in self._invalid_docs_list if d is not None] if (archive, filename) in self._invalid_docs_list: self._invalid_docs_list.remove((archive, filename)) return True return False
[docs] def run(self): try: # Keep feeding inputs onto the queue as long as we've got more for i, (archive, filename, docs) in enumerate(self.iterator): if self.cancelled.is_set(): # Stop feeding right away return if any(type(doc) is InvalidDocument for doc in docs): self.invalid_docs.put((archive, filename)) # If the queue is full, this will block until there's room to put the next one on # It also blocks if the queue is closed/destroyed/something similar, so we need to check now and # again that we've not been asked to give up while True: try: self.input_queue.put((archive, filename, docs), timeout=0.1) except Full: if self.cancelled.is_set(): return # Otherwise try putting again else: break # Record that we've sent this one off, so we can write the results out in the right order self._docs_processing.put((archive, filename)) # As soon as something's been fed, the output processor can get going self.started.set() self.feeding_complete.set() if self.complete_callback is not None: self.complete_callback() except Exception, e: # Error in iterating over the input data -- actually quite common, since it could involve filter modules # Make it available to the main thread e.traceback = format_exc() self.exception_queue.put(e, block=True) finally: # Just in case there aren't any inputs self.started.set() self.ended.set()
[docs] def check_for_error(self): """ Can be called from the main thread to check whether an error has occurred in this thread and raise a suitable exception if so """ try: error = self.exception_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: # No error pass else: # Got an error from thread: raise something including it # Sometimes, a traceback from within the process is included if hasattr(error, "debugging_info"): debugging = error.debugging_info elif hasattr(error, "traceback"): debugging = error.traceback else: debugging = None raise ModuleExecutionError("error in input iterator: %s" % error, cause=error, debugging_info=debugging)
[docs] def shutdown(self, timeout=3.): """ Cancel the feeder, if it's still feeding and stop the thread. Call only after you're sure you no longer need anything from any of the queues. Waits for the thread to end. Call from the main thread (that created the feeder) only. :type timeout: wait this long for the thread to stop, then give up, outputting a warning. Set to None to wait indefinitely """ # Tell the thread to stop feeding, in case it still is self.cancelled.set() # Wait for the thread to finish executing self.ended.wait(timeout=3.) if not self.ended.is_set(): warnings.warn("Input feeding thread didn't close down nicely when asked. You may need to kill " "the application forcibly") # Empty all queues, in case there's anything still sitting in any of them for q in [self.input_queue, self._docs_processing, self.exception_queue, self.invalid_docs]: while True: try: q.get_nowait() except Empty: break if hasattr(q, "task_done"): while True: try: q.task_done() except ValueError: # No more undone tasks left break # Wait for thread to shut down self.join(timeout=timeout) # Check whether the join timed out if self.is_alive(): warnings.warn("Input feeding thread took too long to shut down, giving up waiting. You may need to kill " "the application forcibly") return False return True
[docs]class DocumentProcessorPool(object): """ Base class for pools that provide an easy implementation of parallelization for document map modules. Defines the core interface for pools. If you're using multiprocessing, you'll want to use the multiprocessing-specific subclass. """ def __init__(self, processes): self.output_queue = self.create_queue() self.input_queue = self.create_queue(2*processes) self.exception_queue = self.create_queue() self.processes = processes self._queues = [self.output_queue, self.input_queue, self.exception_queue]
[docs] def notify_no_more_inputs(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def create_queue(maxsize=None): """ May be overridden by subclasses to provide different implementations of a Queue. By default, uses the multiprocessing queue type. Whatever is returned, it should implement the interface of Queue.Queue. """ return Queue(maxsize=maxsize)
[docs] def shutdown(self): # Subclasses should override this to shut down all workers pass
[docs] def empty_all_queues(self): for q in self._queues: # Don't rely on q.empty(), which can be wrong in the case of multiprocessing while True: try: q.get_nowait() except Empty: break
[docs]class DocumentMapProcessMixin(object): """ Mixin/base class that should be implemented by all worker processes for document map pools. """ def __init__(self, input_queue, output_queue, exception_queue, docs_per_batch=1): self.docs_per_batch = docs_per_batch self.exception_queue = exception_queue self.output_queue = output_queue self.input_queue = input_queue
[docs] def set_up(self): """ Called when the process starts, before it starts accepting documents. """ pass
[docs] def process_document(self, archive, filename, *docs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def process_documents(self, doc_tuples): """ Batched version of process_document(). Default implementation just calls process_document() on each document, but if you want to group documents together and process multiple at once, you can override this method and make sure the `docs_per_batch` is set > 1. Each item in the list of doc tuples should be a tuple of the positional args to process_document() -- i.e. archive_name, filename, doc_from_corpus1, [doc_from corpus2, ...] """ return [self.process_document(*doc_tuple) for doc_tuple in doc_tuples]
[docs] def tear_down(self): """ Called from within the process after processing is complete, before exiting. """ pass
[docs] def notify_no_more_inputs(self): """ Called when there aren't any more inputs to come. """ pass
[docs]class WorkerStartupError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cause = kwargs.pop("cause", None) self.debugging_info = kwargs.pop("debugging_info", None) super(WorkerStartupError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class WorkerShutdownError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cause = kwargs.pop("cause", None) super(WorkerShutdownError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)