Source code for pimlico.datatypes.coref.opennlp

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

Datatypes for coreference resolution output. Based on OpenNLP's coref output, so includes all the information
provided by that.
This is a slight different set of information to CoreNLP. Currently, there's no way to convert between the
two datatypes, but in future it will be easy to provide an adapter that carries across the information common
to the two (which for most purposes will be sufficient).


from pimlico.datatypes.jsondoc import JsonDocumentCorpus, JsonDocumentCorpusWriter, JsonDocumentType
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import pass_up_invalid
from pimlico.utils.linguistic import strip_punctuation, ENGLISH_PRONOUNS
from pimlico.utils.strings import truncate

[docs]class CorefDocumentType(JsonDocumentType):
[docs] def process_document(self, doc): data = super(CorefDocumentType, self).process_document(doc) return list(sorted([Entity.from_json(entity) for entity in data], key=lambda e:
[docs]class CorefCorpus(JsonDocumentCorpus): datatype_name = "opennlp_coref" data_point_type = CorefDocumentType
[docs]class CorefCorpusWriter(JsonDocumentCorpusWriter): @pass_up_invalid def document_to_raw_data(self, doc): return super(CorefCorpusWriter, self).document_to_raw_data([ entity.to_json_dict() for entity in doc ])
[docs]class Entity(object): def __init__(self, id, mentions, category=None, gender=None, gender_prob=None, number=None, number_prob=None): self.category = category self.gender = gender self.gender_prob = gender_prob self.number = number self.number_prob = number_prob = id self.mentions = mentions
[docs] def get_head_word(self, pronouns=ENGLISH_PRONOUNS): """ Retrieve a head word from the entity's mentions if possible. Returns None if no suitable head word can be found: e.g., if all mentions are pronouns. Pronouns are filtered out using :data:pimlico.utils.linguistic.ENGLISH_PRONOUNS by default. You can override this with the `pronouns` kwargs. If `pronouns=None`, no filtering is done. """ entity_head_words = set() # Gather a head word, if possible, from each mention for mention in self.mentions: mention_head = mention.text[ mention.head_start_index-mention.start_index:mention.head_end_index-mention.start_index ].lower() # Process the head phrase a bit # Remove punctuation mention_head = strip_punctuation(mention_head) # Get rid of words that won't help us: stopwords and pronouns head_words = mention_head.split() if pronouns is not None: head_words = [w for w in head_words if w not in pronouns] # Don't use any 1-letter words head_words = [w for w in head_words if len(w) > 1] # If there are no words left, we can't get a headword from this mention # If there are multiple (a minority of cases), use the rightmost, which usually is the headword if head_words: entity_head_words.add(head_words[-1]) # If we've ended up with multiple possible head words (minority, but not uncommon), we've no way to choose # We could just pick one randomly # Take the lexicographic first, just to be consistent if len(entity_head_words): return list(sorted(entity_head_words))[0] else: return None
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): return { "id":, "category": self.category, "gender": self.gender, "genderProb": self.gender_prob, "number": self.number, "numberProb": self.number_prob, "mentions": [m.to_json_dict() for m in self.mentions], }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json): return Entity( json["id"], [Mention.from_json(m) for m in json["mentions"]], json.get("category", None), json.get("gender", None), json.get("genderProb", None), json.get("number", None), json.get("numberProb", None) )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_java_object(obj): return Entity( obj.getId(), [Mention.from_java_object(m) for m in obj.getMentions()], category=obj.getCategory(), gender=obj.getGender().toString(), gender_prob=obj.getGenderProbability(), number=obj.getNumber().toString(), number_prob=obj.getNumberProbability() )
def __unicode__(self): return u"Entity-%s(%s)" % (, truncate(u"/".join(truncate(unicode(m), 30).strip() for m in self.mentions), 30)) def __repr__(self): return unicode(self).encode("ascii", "ignore")
[docs]class Mention(object): def __init__(self, sentence_num, start_index, end_index, text, gender=None, gender_prob=None, number=None, number_prob=None, head_start_index=None, head_end_index=None, name_type=None): self.sentence_num = sentence_num self.start_index = start_index self.end_index = end_index self.text = text self.gender = gender self.gender_prob = gender_prob self.number = number self.number_prob = number_prob self.head_start_index = head_start_index self.head_end_index = head_end_index self.name_type = name_type
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json): return Mention( json["sentNum"], json["startIndex"], json["endIndex"], json["text"], json.get("gender", None), json.get("genderProb", None), json.get("number", None), json.get("numberProb", None), json.get("headStartIndex", None), json.get("headEndIndex", None), json.get("nameType", None), )
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): data = { "sentNum": self.sentence_num, "startIndex": self.start_index, "endIndex": self.end_index, "text": self.text, } if self.gender is not None: data["gender"] = self.gender if self.gender_prob is not None: data["genderProb"] = self.gender_prob if self.number is not None: data["number"] = self.number if self.number_prob is not None: data["numberProb"] = self.number_prob if self.head_start_index is not None: data["headStartIndex"] = self.head_start_index if self.head_end_index is not None: data["headEndIndex"] = self.head_end_index if self.name_type is not None: data["nameType"] = self.name_type return data
[docs] @staticmethod def from_java_object(obj): return Mention( obj.getSentenceNumber(), obj.getIndexSpan().getStart(), obj.getIndexSpan().getEnd(), obj.toText(), obj.getGender().toString(), obj.getGenderProb(), obj.getNumber().toString(), obj.getNumberProb(), obj.getHeadSpan().getStart(), obj.getHeadSpan().getEnd(), obj.getNameType() )
def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.text)