Source code for pimlico.datatypes.parse.dependency

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

import json

from pimlico.datatypes.jsondoc import JsonDocumentCorpus, JsonDocumentCorpusWriter, JsonDocumentType
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import pass_up_invalid
from pimlico.datatypes.word_annotations import WordAnnotationCorpus, WordAnnotationCorpusWriter, \

__all__ = [
    "StanfordDependencyParseCorpus", "StanfordDependencyParseCorpusWriter",
    "CoNLLDependencyParseCorpus", "CoNLLDependencyParseCorpusWriter",
    "CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpus", "CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpusWriter",

class StanfordDependencyParseDocumentType(JsonDocumentType):
    def process_document(self, doc):
        data = super(StanfordDependencyParseDocumentType, self).process_document(doc)
        if data.strip():
            # Read in the dep parse trees as JSON and return a dep parse data structure
            return [StanfordDependencyParse.from_json(sentence_json) for sentence_json in data]
            return []

[docs]class StanfordDependencyParseCorpus(JsonDocumentCorpus): datatype_name = "stanford_dependency_parses" data_point_type = StanfordDependencyParseDocumentType
[docs]class StanfordDependencyParseCorpusWriter(JsonDocumentCorpusWriter): @pass_up_invalid def document_to_raw_data(self, doc): # Data should be a list of StanfordDependencyParses, one for each sentence return super(StanfordDependencyParseCorpusWriter, self).document_to_raw_data( [parse.to_json_list() for parse in doc] )
class StanfordDependencyParse(object): def __init__(self, dependencies): self.dependencies = dependencies @staticmethod def from_json(json): """ Read in from JSON, as received from the Stanford CoreNLP server output. Input should be parsed JSON. """ return StanfordDependencyParse([StanfordDependency.from_json(dep_json) for dep_json in json]) @staticmethod def from_json_string(data): return StanfordDependencyParse.from_json(json.loads(data)) def to_json_list(self): return [dep.to_json_dict() for dep in self.dependencies] class StanfordDependency(object): def __init__(self, dep, dependent_index, governor_index, dependent_gloss, governor_gloss): self.dep = dep self.dependent_index = dependent_index self.governor_index = governor_index self.dependent_gloss = dependent_gloss self.governor_gloss = governor_gloss @staticmethod def from_json(json): return StanfordDependency( json["dep"], json["dependent"], json["governor"], json["dependentGloss"], json["governorGloss"] ) def to_json_dict(self): return { "dep": self.dep, "dependent": self.dependent_index, "dependentGloss": self.dependent_gloss, "governor": self.governor_index, "governorGloss": self.governor_gloss, } def _usnone(field, typ=lambda x:x): return None if field == "_" else typ(field) def _noneus(field): return "_" if field is None else unicode(field) class CoNLLDependencyParseDocumentType(WordAnnotationsDocumentType): def process_document(self, raw_data): data = super(CoNLLDependencyParseDocumentType, self).process_document(raw_data) return [ [ { "id": int(token["id"]), "word": token["word"], "lemma": _usnone(token["lemma"]), "cpostag": token["cpostag"], "postag": token["postag"], "feats": _usnone(token["feats"]), "head": _usnone(token["head"], int), "deprel": _usnone(token["deprel"]), "phead": _usnone(token["phead"], int), "pdeprel": _usnone(token["pdeprel"]) } for token in sentence ] for sentence in data ]
[docs]class CoNLLDependencyParseCorpus(WordAnnotationCorpus): """ 10-field CoNLL dependency parse format (conllx) -- i.e. post parsing. Fields are: id (int), word form, lemma, coarse POS, POS, features, head (int), dep relation, phead (int), pdeprel The last two are usually not used. """ datatype_name = "conll_dependency_parses" data_point_type = CoNLLDependencyParseDocumentType
[docs]class CoNLLDependencyParseCorpusWriter(WordAnnotationCorpusWriter): def __init__(self, base_dir, **kwargs): super(CoNLLDependencyParseCorpusWriter, self).__init__( # Blank line between sentences u"\n\n", # Single linebreak between words u"\n", # Tab-separated fields u"{id}\t{word}\t{lemma}\t{cpostag}\t{postag}\t{feats}\t{head}\t{deprel}\t{phead}\t{pdeprel}", # No linebreaks or tabs in words u"\n\t", base_dir, **kwargs ) @pass_up_invalid def document_to_raw_data(self, doc): """ Data should be a list of sentences Each sentence is a list of tokens. Each token is a list of columns (fields). """ return super(CoNLLDependencyParseCorpusWriter, self).document_to_raw_data( u"\n\n".join( u"\n".join( # Replace Nones with underscores u"%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % tuple(map(_noneus, token)) for token in sentence ) for sentence in doc ) )
class CoNLLDependencyParseInputDocumentType(WordAnnotationsDocumentType): def process_document(self, raw_data): data = super(CoNLLDependencyParseInputDocumentType, self).process_document(raw_data) return [ [ { "id": int(token["id"]), "word": token["word"], "lemma": _usnone(token["lemma"]), "cpostag": token["cpostag"], "postag": token["postag"], "feats": _usnone(token["feats"]), } for token in sentence ] for sentence in data ]
[docs]class CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpus(WordAnnotationCorpus): """ The version of the CoNLL format (conllx) that only has the first 6 columns, i.e. no dependency parse yet annotated. """ datatype_name = "conll_dependency_parse_inputs" data_point_type = CoNLLDependencyParseInputDocumentType
[docs]class CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpusWriter(WordAnnotationCorpusWriter): def __init__(self, base_dir, **kwargs): super(CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpusWriter, self).__init__( # Blank line between sentences u"\n\n", # Single linebreak between words u"\n", # Tab-separated fields u"{id}\t{word}\t{lemma}\t{cpostag}\t{postag}\t{feats}", # No linebreaks or tabs in words u"\n\t", base_dir, **kwargs ) @pass_up_invalid def document_to_raw_data(self, doc): """ Data should be a list of sentences Each sentence is a list of tokens. Each token is a list of columns (fields). """ return super(CoNLLDependencyParseInputCorpusWriter, self).document_to_raw_data( u"\n\n".join( u"\n".join( # Replace Nones with underscores u"%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % tuple(map(_noneus, token)) for token in sentence ) for sentence in doc ) )