Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

[docs]def make_table(grid, header=None): all_rows = [header] + grid if header is not None else grid col_widths = [max(len(row[i]) for row in all_rows) for i in range(len(all_rows[0]))] rst = table_div(col_widths, 0) if header is not None: # Produce a header row rst = rst + "| " + " | ".join([normalize_cell(x, width) for (x, width) in zip(header, col_widths)]) + " |\n" rst = rst + table_div(col_widths, True) for row in grid: rst = rst + "| " + " | ".join([normalize_cell(x, width) for (x, width) in zip(row, col_widths)]) + " |\n" rst = rst + table_div(col_widths) return rst
[docs]def table_div(col_widths, header_flag=False): if header_flag: return "+%s+\n" % "+".join((col_width+2)*"=" for col_width in col_widths) else: return "+%s+\n" % "+".join((col_width+2)*"-" for col_width in col_widths)
[docs]def normalize_cell(string, length): return string + ((length - len(string)) * " ")