Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -
"""Email sending utilities

Configure email sending functionality by adding the following fields to your Pimlico local config file:

   From-address for all sent emails

   To-addresses, separated by commas. All notification emails will be sent to all recipients

   (optional) Hostname of your SMTP server. Defaults to `localhost`

   (optional) Username to authenticate with your SMTP server. If not given, it is assumed that no authentication
   is required

   (optional) Password to authenticate with your SMTP server. Must be supplied if `username` is given


from __future__ import absolute_import

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from smtplib import SMTPHeloError, SMTPAuthenticationError, SMTPException

[docs]class EmailConfig(object): def __init__(self, sender=None, recipients=None, host=None, username=None, password=None): self.password = password self.username = username = host if isinstance(recipients, basestring): recipients = [recipients] self.recipients = recipients self.sender = sender if username is not None and password is None: raise EmailError("username was supplied for SMTP, but no password")
[docs] @classmethod def from_local_config(cls, local_config): # Expect to find a list of recipients in the local config if "email_recipients" not in local_config: raise EmailError("no recipient(s) specified in the local config. You should " "set 'email_recipients' field in your local config file") recipients = local_config["email_recipients"].split(",") if "email_sender" not in local_config: raise EmailError("no sender specified in the local config. You should " "set 'email_sender' field in your local config file") sender = local_config["email_sender"] # Fall back to default of localhost host = local_config.get("email_host", "localhost") # Allow a username to be supplied # Otherwise, we assume no authentication is needed username = local_config.get("email_username", None) # Same with the password password = local_config.get("email_password", None) return EmailConfig(sender=sender, recipients=recipients, host=host, username=username, password=password)
[docs]def send_pimlico_email(subject, content, local_config, log): """ Primary method for sending emails from Pimlico. Tries to send an email with the given content, using the email details found in the local config. If something goes wrong, an error is logged on the given log. :param subject: email subject :param content: email text (may be unicode) :param local_config: local config dictionary :param log: logger to log errors to (and info if the sending works) """ try: # Read email config from the local config config = EmailConfig.from_local_config(local_config) data = send_text_email(config, subject, content=content) except Exception, e: log.error("Could not send email: %s" % e) return {"success": False} else:"Send email to %s" % ", ".join(data["recipients"])) data["success"] = True return data
[docs]def send_text_email(email_config, subject, content=None): # Encode unicode content as utf-8 if content is None: content = "" body = unicode(content).encode("utf-8") # Create a plain message msg = MIMEText(body) # Allow a single recipient to be given if email_config.recipients is None: raise EmailError("email recipient(s) must be specified") if email_config.sender is None: raise EmailError("email sender must be specified") # Set the important headers msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = email_config.sender msg['To'] = ", ".join(email_config.recipients) # Send the email, via the SMTP server s = smtplib.SMTP( if email_config.username is not None: # Login details have been supplied, so authenticate with SMTP server try: s.login(email_config.username, email_config.password) except SMTPHeloError, e: raise EmailError("invalid HELO response from SMTP server: %s" % e) except SMTPAuthenticationError, e: raise EmailError("could not authenticate with SMTP server (host '%s' using username '%s'): %s" % (, email_config.username, e )) except SMTPException, e: raise EmailError("could not find a suitable SMTP authentication method: %s" % e) # Send the message email_content = msg.as_string() s.sendmail(email_config.sender, email_config.recipients, email_content) s.quit() # Return the sending details we used return { "subject": subject, "recipients": email_config.recipients, "sender": email_config.sender, "username": email_config.username, "content": email_content, }
[docs]class EmailError(Exception): pass