Input readers

Various input readers for various datatypes. These are used to read in data from some external source, such as a corpus in its distributed format (e.g. XML files or a collection of text files), and present it to the Pimlico pipeline as a Pimlico dataset, which can be used as input to other modules.

They do not typically store the data as a Pimlico dataset, but produce it on the fly, although sometimes it could be appropriate to do otherwise.

Note that there can be multiple input readers for a single datatype. For example, there are many ways to read in a corpus of raw text documents, depending on the format they’re stored in. They might by in one big XML file, text files collected into compressed archives, a big text file with document separators, etc. These all require their own input reader and all of them produce the same output corpus type.


These input readers are ultimately intended to replace reading input data using a datatype’s input_module_options. That functionality will be removed altogether as part of the development of the new datatype system, so it should be phased out now and replaced by input reader modules for each datatype.