Source code for pimlico.cli.locations

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -
import os
import sys

from tabulate import tabulate

from pimlico.cli.subcommands import PimlicoCLISubcommand
from pimlico.utils.core import remove_duplicates
from pimlico.utils.filesystem import move_dir_with_progress

[docs]class InputsCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): command_name = "inputs" command_help = "Show the locations of the inputs of a given module. If the input datasets " \ "are available, their actual location is shown. Otherwise, all directories " \ "in which the data is being checked for are shown" command_desc = "Show the (expected) locations of the inputs of a given module"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("module_name", help="The name (or number) of the module to display input locations for")
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): module_name = opts.module_name print "Input locations for module '%s'" % module_name try: module = pipeline[module_name] except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: module '{}' does not exist".format(module_name) sys.exit(1) # Display info for each input to this module for input_name in module.input_names: print "\nInput '%s'" % input_name input_lst = module.get_input(input_name, always_list=True) input_connections = module.get_input_module_connection(input_name, always_list=True) multiple_inputs = len(input_lst) > 1 if multiple_inputs: print "Multiple input sources: showing locations for all" for i, (input_datatype, (prev_module, prev_output_name, __)) in \ enumerate(zip(input_lst, input_connections)): if multiple_inputs: print "## Input source %d ##" % i if input_datatype.data_ready(): corpus_dir = input_datatype.absolute_base_dir if corpus_dir is None: print "Data (%s) available, but no directory given: probably a filter datatype" % \ input_datatype.full_datatype_name() else: print "Data (%s) available in:" % input_datatype.full_datatype_name() print " - %s" % corpus_dir else: print "Data not available. Data will be found in any of the following locations:" # Get the relative dir within the Pimlico dir structures rel_path = prev_module.get_output_dir(prev_output_name) # Resolve this to all possible absolute dirs (usually two) abs_paths = remove_duplicates([path for (name, path) in pipeline.get_data_search_paths(rel_path)]) print "\n".join(" - %s" % pth for pth in abs_paths)
[docs]class OutputCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): command_name = "output" command_help = "Show the location where the given module's output data will be (or has been) stored"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("module_name", help="The name (or number) of the module to display input locations for")
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): module_name = opts.module_name try: module = pipeline[module_name] except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: module '{}' does not exist".format(module_name) sys.exit(1) # Get the output dir for the module module_output_dir = module.get_module_output_dir(absolute=True) print "Output location for module '%s': %s" % (module_name, module_output_dir)
[docs]class ListStoresCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): command_name = "stores" command_help = "List Pimlico stores in use and the corresponding storage locations" command_desc = "List named Pimlico stores"
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): print "Absolute paths to named storage locations\n" print tabulate(pipeline.storage_locations, ["Name", "Path"])
[docs]class MoveStoresCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): command_name = "movestores" command_help = "Move a particular module's output from one storage location to another" command_desc = "Move data between stores"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("dest", help="Name of destination store") parser.add_argument("modules", nargs="*", help="The names (or numbers) of the module whose output to move")
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): dest_store = opts.dest if dest_store not in pipeline.store_names: print >>sys.stderr, "No such store: {}".format(dest_store) print >>sys.stderr, "Available store names: {}".format(", ".join(pipeline.store_names)) print "Copying modules to store '%s': %s" % (opts.dest, ", ".join(opts.modules)) for module_name in opts.modules: # Get the path within the stores module_path = pipeline[module_name].get_module_output_dir() # Check which store the module's data is currently in src_store, src_path = pipeline.find_data(module_path) if src_store is None: print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot move data for '{}' as it wasn't found in any store".format(module_name) continue elif src_store == dest_store: print >>sys.stderr, "Skipping '{}' as it's alreay in store '{}'".format(module_name, dest_store) continue print "Copying '{}' data from {} to {}".format(module_name, src_store, dest_store) # Work out where it will lives in the dest store dest_path = os.path.join(pipeline.named_storage_locations[dest_store], module_path) move_dir_with_progress(src_path, dest_path)