Word2vec embedding trainer

Path pimlico.modules.embeddings.word2vec
Executable yes

Word2vec embedding learning algorithm, using Gensim’s implementation.

Find out more about word2vec.

This module is simply a wrapper to call Gensim Python (+C)’s implementation of word2vec on a Pimlico corpus.


Name Type(s)
text TarredCorpus<TokenizedDocumentType>


Name Type(s)
model Embeddings


Name Description Type
iters number of iterations over the data to perform. Default: 5 int
min_count word2vec’s min_count option: prunes the dictionary of words that appear fewer than this number of times in the corpus. Default: 5 int
negative_samples number of negative samples to include per positive. Default: 5 int
size number of dimensions in learned vectors. Default: 200 int