Source code for pimlico.cli.status

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2020 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0 -

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import map
from builtins import zip

import os
from itertools import cycle
from operator import itemgetter

import colorama
from termcolor import colored

from pimlico.cli.subcommands import PimlicoCLISubcommand
from pimlico.cli.util import module_number_to_name
from pimlico.utils.format import title_box

[docs]class StatusCmd(PimlicoCLISubcommand): command_name = "status" command_help = "Output a module execution schedule for the pipeline and execution status for every module"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("module_name", nargs="?", help="Optionally specify a module name (or number). More detailed status information will " "be outut for this module. Alternatively, use this arg to limit the modules whose " "status will be output to a range by specifying 'A...B', where A and B are module " "names or numbers") parser.add_argument("--all", "-a", action="store_true", help="Show all modules defined in the pipeline, not just those that can be executed") parser.add_argument("--alias", action="store_true", help="Include module aliases after modules in the output. By default, they are not shown") parser.add_argument("--short", "-s", action="store_true", help="Use a brief format when showing the full pipeline's status. Only applies when " "module names are not specified. This is useful with very large pipelines, where " "you just want a compact overview of the status") parser.add_argument("--history", "-i", action="store_true", help="When a module name is given, even more detailed output is given, including the full " "execution history of the module") parser.add_argument("--deps-of", "-d", help="Restrict to showing only the named/numbered module and any that are (transitive) " "dependencies of it. That is, show the whole tree of modules that lead through " "the pipeline to the given module") parser.add_argument("--no-color", "--nc", action="store_true", help="Don't include terminal color characters, even if the terminal appears to support " "them. This can be useful if the automatic detection of color terminals doesn't work " "and the status command displays lots of horrible escape characters") parser.add_argument("--no-sections", "--ns", action="store_true", help="Don't show section headings, but just a list of all the modules") parser.add_argument("--expand-all", "--xa", action="store_true", help="Show section headings, expanding all") parser.add_argument("--expand", "-x", nargs="*", help="Expand this section number. May be used multiple times. Give a section number " "like '1.2.3'. To expand the full subtree, give '1.2.3.'")
[docs] def run_command(self, pipeline, opts): # If the colour output has been disabled by a switch, use the standard env var to disable it if opts.no_color: os.environ["ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED"] = "1" # Use colorama to control termcolor so that it only outputs colours to the terminal colorama.init() try: # Main is the default pipeline config and is always available (but not included in this list) variants = ["main"] + pipeline.available_variants print("Available pipeline variants: %s" % ", ".join(variants)) print("Showing status for '%s' variant" % pipeline.variant) if opts.alias: # Check what aliases the pipeline includes aliases = {} for alias_name, module_name in pipeline.module_aliases.items(): aliases.setdefault(module_name, []).append(alias_name) else: # Don't show any aliases aliases = None module_sel = opts.module_name first_module = last_module = None if module_sel is not None: if "..." in module_sel: # A module range specifier was given to limit the modules shown first_module, __, last_module = module_sel.partition("...") # Allow module numbers to be given if len(first_module): first_module = module_number_to_name(pipeline, first_module) else: # Start from the very beginning first_module = None if len(last_module): last_module = module_number_to_name(pipeline, last_module) else: # Continue to the end last_module = None # Show the non-detailed version, since we're selecting a range, not just one module_sel = None elif module_sel in pipeline.expanded_modules: # If an expanded module's base name is specified, treat it as a range covering all the modules first_module = pipeline.expanded_modules[module_sel][0] last_module = pipeline.expanded_modules[module_sel][-1] module_sel = None if module_sel is None: # Try deriving a schedule and output it, including basic status info for each module available_module_names = pipeline.modules showing_all_modules = True if opts.all: # Show all modules, not just those that can be executed print("\nAll modules in pipeline with statuses:") module_names = list(pipeline.modules) bullets = ["-"]*len(module_names) else: module_names = [("%d." % i, module) for i, module in enumerate(pipeline.get_module_schedule(), start=1)] if len(module_names) == 0: print("\nPipeline loaded successfully, but it does not contain any modules") return # If the --deps-of option is given, filter modules shown to only those that lead to the given one if opts.deps_of is not None: showing_all_modules = False dest_module = module_number_to_name(pipeline, opts.deps_of) print("\nRestricting status view to dependencies of module '%s'" % dest_module) # Check through the pipeline to find all dependent modules include_mods = [dest_module] + pipeline[dest_module].get_transitive_dependencies() module_names = [(title, module) for (title, module) in module_names if module in include_mods] bullets, module_names = list(zip(*module_names)) else: bullets, module_names = list(zip(*module_names)) # Fall back to "all" mode if a specific module has been requested that's not in execution schedule if (first_module is not None and first_module not in module_names and first_module in available_module_names) \ or (last_module is not None and last_module not in module_names and last_module in available_module_names): module_names = list(pipeline.modules) bullets = ["-"]*len(module_names) else: print("\nModule execution schedule with statuses:") # Allow the range of modules to be filtered if first_module is not None: # Start at the given module showing_all_modules = False try: first_mod_idx = module_names.index(first_module) except ValueError: raise ValueError("tried to limit module list by '%s': no such module" % first_module) bullets = bullets[first_mod_idx:] module_names = module_names[first_mod_idx:] if last_module is not None and last_module not in map(itemgetter(1), module_names): # End at the given module showing_all_modules = False try: last_mod_idx = module_names.index(last_module) except ValueError: raise ValueError("tried to limit module list by '%s': no such module" % last_module) bullets = bullets[:last_mod_idx+1] module_names = module_names[:last_mod_idx+1] if opts.short: # Show super-short version of the status # Group module names by status status_lists = {} for bullet, module_name in zip(bullets, module_names): module = pipeline[module_name] # Add this module to the list for its status status_lists.setdefault(module.status, []).append("%s %s" % (bullet, module_name)) for status in sorted(status_lists): print("\n%s:" % status) print("\n".join(status_lists[status])) else: if not pipeline.has_sections or not opts.no_sections or len(module_names) < 2: # Show with the structure of section headings mod_name_bullets = dict(zip(module_names, bullets)) selected_subtree = pipeline.section_headings.subtree(module_names) # If we're showing only a selection of modules, expand the full section heading tree if showing_all_modules: # Only expand requested branches if opts.expand is None: expand = [] else: # Use -1 to indicate expansion of the full subtree expand = [tuple([int(n) if len(n) else -1 for n in section.split(".")]) for section in opts.expand] # Also expand the headings above expand = [ sect_num[:i] for sect_num in expand for i in range(1, len(sect_num)+1) ] else: expand = "all" print_section_tree(selected_subtree, mod_name_bullets, pipeline, expand=expand, aliases=aliases) else: for bullet, module_name in zip(bullets, module_names): # Short summary for each module print_module_status(module_name, bullet, pipeline, aliases=aliases) else: # Output more detailed status information for this module to_output = [module_sel] already_output = [] while len(to_output): module_name = to_output.pop() if module_name not in already_output: module = pipeline[module_name] status, more_outputs = module_status(module) # Output the module's detailed status print(status) if opts.history: # Also output full execution history print("\nFull execution history:") print(module.execution_history) already_output.append(module_name) # Allow this module to request that we output further modules to_output.extend(more_outputs) finally: colorama.deinit()
[docs]def module_status_color(module): if not module.module_executable: if module.all_inputs_ready(): return "green" else: return "red" elif module.status == "COMPLETE": return "green" elif module.status == "UNEXECUTED": # If the module's not been started, but its inputs are ready, use yellow if module.all_inputs_ready(): return "yellow" else: return "red" else: # All other cases are blue -- usually partial completion, ongoing execution, etc return "cyan"
[docs]def status_colored(module, text=None): """ Colour the text according to the status of the given module. If text is not given, the module's name is returned. """ text = text or module.module_name return colored(text, module_status_color(module))
_mixing_color_order = ["green", "yellow", "cyan", "red"] _mixing_fg_colors = ["magenta", "blue", "red", "blue"]
[docs]def mix_bg_colors(text, colors): """ Format a string with mixed colors, by alternating by character. """ if len(colors) == 0: color_repeats = [None for __ in text] else: # Proportions for green, yellow, cyan, red color_proportions = [ colors.count("green") / len(colors), colors.count("yellow") / len(colors), colors.count("cyan") / len(colors), colors.count("red") / len(colors), ] if sum(color_proportions) == 0: color_proportions[0] = 1. color_repeats = sum( ([(fg_col, bg_col)]*int(cp * len(text)) for (fg_col, bg_col, cp) in zip(_mixing_fg_colors, _mixing_color_order, color_proportions)), [] ) # Just in case of rounding problems while len(color_repeats) < len(text): color_repeats.append(color_repeats[-1]) return "".join(colored(char, color=fg_color, on_color="on_{}".format(bg_color) if bg_color is not None else None) for (char, (fg_color, bg_color)) in zip(text, color_repeats))
[docs]def module_status(module): """ Detailed module status, shown when a specific module's status is requested. """ also_output = [] status_color = module_status_color(module) # Put together information about the inputs input_infos = [] for input_name in module.input_names: for (input_setup, (input_module, input_module_output)) in \ zip(module.get_input_reader_setup(input_name, always_list=True), module.get_input_module_connection(input_name, always_list=True)): input_datatype = input_setup.datatype input_ready = input_setup.ready_to_read() # Format all the information about this input input_info = """\ Input {input_name}: {status} From module: {input_module} ({input_module_output} output) Datatype: {datatype_name}""".format( input_name=input_name, status=colored("Data ready", "green") if input_ready else colored("Data not ready", "red"), input_module=input_module.module_name, input_module_output=input_module_output or "default", datatype_name=input_datatype.full_datatype_name(), ) if input_module.module_executable: # Executable module: if it's been executed, we get data from there input_info += "\n Executable module" elif input_module.is_filter(): input_info += "\n Filter module" else: # Input module input_info += "\n Pipeline input" if input_ready: # Get the input reader and any additional information it supplies input_reader = input_setup(module.pipeline, module=input_module.module_name) # Get additional detailed information from the reader datatype_details = input_reader.get_detailed_status() if datatype_details: input_info += "".join("\n {}".format(line) for line in datatype_details) input_infos.append(input_info) # If filter module: output further information about where it gets its inputs from if module.is_filter(): also_output.append(input_module.module_name) # Do the same thing for the outputs output_infos = [] for output_name in module.output_names: output_setup = module.get_output_reader_setup(output_name) output_datatype = output_setup.datatype output_ready = output_setup.ready_to_read() output_info = """\ Output {output_name}: {status} Datatype: {output_datatype}{filter_info}""".format( output_name=output_name, status=colored("Data available", "green") if output_ready else colored("Data not available", "red"), output_datatype=output_datatype.full_datatype_name(), filter_info="\n Filter module" if module.is_filter() else "", ) if output_ready: # Get additional detailed information from the reader instance output_reader = output_setup(module.pipeline, module=module.module_name) datatype_details = output_reader.get_detailed_status() if datatype_details: # Indent the lines output_info = "%s\n%s" % (output_info, "\n".join(" %s" % line for line in datatype_details)) output_infos.append(output_info) # Get additional detailed information from the module instance module_details = module.get_detailed_status() module_details = "\n%s" % "\n".join(module_details) if module_details else "" if module.docstring: docstring = "%s\n" % module.docstring else: docstring = "" # Put together a neat summary, include the things we've formatted above return """ {title} {docstring}Status: {status} Type: {type} {inputs} {outputs}{lock_status} Options: {options} Module variables: {modvars}{module_details}""".format( title=colored(title_box("Module: %s" % module.module_name), status_color), status=colored("not executable", "green") if not module.module_executable else colored(module.status, status_color), inputs="\n".join(input_infos) if input_infos else "No inputs", outputs="\n".join(output_infos) if output_infos else "No outputs", options="\n ".join("%s: %s" % (key, val) for (key, val) in module.options.items()), module_details=module_details, lock_status="" if not module.is_locked() else "\nLocked: ongoing execution", docstring=docstring, type="%s -- %s" % (module.module_type_name, module.module_readable_name) if module.module_readable_name else module.module_type_name, modvars="\n ".join("%s: %s" % (var, val) for (var, val) in module.module_variables.items()) ), also_output