Source code for pimlico.datatypes.base

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2020 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0 -

Datatypes provide interfaces for reading and writing datasets. They provide different
ways of reading in or iterating over datasets and different ways to write out datasets,
as appropriate to the datatype. They are used by Pimlico to typecheck connections
between modules to make sure that the output from one module provides a suitable
type of data for the input to another. They are then also used by the modules to read
in their input data coming from earlier in a pipeline and to write out their output
data, to be passed to later modules.

See :doc:`/core/datatypes` for a guide to how Pimlico datatypes work.

This module defines the base classes for all datatypes.

from builtins import next
from builtins import zip
from builtins import object
from future.utils import with_metaclass, PY3

import json
import os
import pickle
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from pimlico.core.modules.options import process_module_options
from pimlico.utils.core import cached_property

__all__ = [
    "DynamicOutputDatatype", "DynamicInputDatatypeRequirement",
    "DatatypeLoadError", "DatatypeWriteError",

_class_name_word_boundary = re.compile(r"([a-z])([A-Z])")

class PimlicoDatatypeMeta(type):
    Metaclass for all Pimlico datatype classes. Takes care of preparing a Reader and
    Writer class for every datatype.

    You should never need to do anything with this: it's used by the base datatype,
    and hence by every other datatype.

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        new_cls = super(PimlicoDatatypeMeta, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        # Replace the existing Reader class, if any, which is used to construct the actual Reader,
        # with the constructed Reader
        new_cls.Reader = PimlicoDatatypeMeta._get_reader_cls(new_cls)
        # Do the same with the Writer
        new_cls.Writer = PimlicoDatatypeMeta._get_writer_cls(new_cls)
        # Also prepare a Writer to inherit from, even if this class' writer should be None
        new_cls._NotNoneWriter = PimlicoDatatypeMeta._get_some_writer_cls(new_cls)

        return new_cls

    ########## Type hiearchy construction for readers and writers ###########
    # Readers and writers are in a type hierarchy that exactly mirrors the datatype hierarchy.
    # Methods are added and overridden according to the specifications of the Reader and Writer dummy classes

    def _get_reader_cls(cls):
        # Use a special attribute that includes the class name to cache the reader so that we only
        # cache for this exact type and don't inherit
        # This is like Python's mangling of "__" names, but we can't use that because it happens at
        # compile time, so all of these would use PimlicoDatatype for mangling
        _cache_name = "_{}_reader_cls".format(cls.__name__)

        if not hasattr(cls, _cache_name):
            # Fetch the reader type
            if len(cls.__bases__) == 0 or cls.__bases__[0] is object:
                # On the base class, we just return the base reader, subclassing object
                parent_reader = object
                # In case of multiple inheritance, first base class is the one we use to inherit reader functionality
                # Typically multiple inheritance probably won't be used anyway with datatypes
                parent_reader = cls.__bases__[0].Reader

            my_reader = cls.Reader
            if parent_reader is my_reader:
                # Reader is not overridden, so we don't need to subclass
                reader_cls = parent_reader
                # Perform subclassing so that a new Reader is created that is a subclass of the parent's reader
                my_dict = dict(my_reader.__dict__)
                # Don't inherit the cached setup cls for this reader type, as we should recompute to do subtyping
                if "_setup_cls" in my_dict:
                    del my_dict["_setup_cls"]
                # Don't inherit the __dict__ and __weakref__ attributes
                # These will be created on the new type as necessary
                if "__dict__" in my_dict:
                    del my_dict["__dict__"]
                if "__weakref__" in my_dict:
                    del my_dict["__weakref__"]
                # Set the reader's __qualname__ so it's properly treated as a nested class of the datatype
                if PY3:
                    my_dict["__qualname__"] = "{}.Reader".format(cls.__qualname__)
                my_dict["__module__"] = cls.__module__

                # No new documentation is provided, then we don't want to inherit the
                # superclass' docstring, but instead let the reader follow the link to see that
                if my_dict["__doc__"] is None:
                    if PY3:
                        my_dict["__doc__"] = "Reader class for {}".format(cls.__qualname__)
                        my_dict["__doc__"] = "Reader class for {}".format(cls.__name__)

                reader_cls = PimlicoDatatypeReaderMeta("Reader", (parent_reader,), my_dict)
            setattr(cls, _cache_name, reader_cls)

        return getattr(cls, _cache_name)

    def _get_some_writer_cls(cls):
        """ Get writer subclass, even if this type has no writer, going up the type hierarchy if necessary """
        # Clever cacheing: see _get_reader_cls()
        _cache_name = "_{}_writer_cls".format(cls.__name__)

        if not hasattr(cls, _cache_name):
            if len(cls.__bases__) == 0 or cls.__bases__[0] is object:
                # On the base class, parent is just object
                parent_writer = object
                # In case of multiple inheritance, first base class is the one we use to inherit writer functionality
                parent_writer = cls.__bases__[0]._NotNoneWriter

            my_writer = cls.Writer
            if my_writer is None:
                # No writer for this type, but we want to get some writer
                # Go up type hieararchy, skipping types for which Writer is None
                writer_cls = parent_writer
            elif parent_writer is my_writer:
                # Writer is not overridden, so we don't need to subclass
                writer_cls = parent_writer
                new_cls_dict = dict(my_writer.__dict__)
                if parent_writer is not object:
                    new_metadata_defaults = new_cls_dict.get("metadata_defaults", {})
                    new_writer_param_defaults = new_cls_dict.get("writer_param_defaults", {})
                    # Collect metadata_defaults and writer params from the Writer if given
                    new_cls_dict["metadata_defaults"] = dict(parent_writer.metadata_defaults,
                    new_cls_dict["writer_param_defaults"] = dict(parent_writer.writer_param_defaults,

                    # Check that defaults were given in the right format
                    for val in new_metadata_defaults.values():
                        if type(val) not in (list, tuple) or len(val) != 2:
                            raise TypeError(
                                "writer metadata defaults should be pairs of default values and documentation "
                                "strings: invalid dictionary for {} writer".format(cls.datatype_name))
                    for val in new_writer_param_defaults.values():
                        if type(val) not in (list, tuple) or len(val) != 2:
                            raise TypeError(
                                "writer param defaults should be pairs of default values and documentation "
                                "strings: invalid dictionary for {} writer".format(cls.datatype_name))

                    # Don't inherit the __dict__ and __weakref__ attributes
                    # These will be created on the new type as necessary
                    if "__dict__" in new_cls_dict:
                        del new_cls_dict["__dict__"]
                    if "__weakref__" in new_cls_dict:
                        del new_cls_dict["__weakref__"]
                    # Set the writer's __qualname__ so it's properly treated as a nested class of the datatype
                    if PY3:
                        new_cls_dict["__qualname__"] = "{}.Writer".format(cls.__qualname__)
                    new_cls_dict["__module__"] = cls.__module__

                    # No new documentation is provided, then we don't want to inherit the
                    # superclass' docstring, but instead let the reader follow the link to see that
                    if new_cls_dict["__doc__"] is None:
                        if PY3:
                            new_cls_dict["__doc__"] = "Writer class for {}".format(cls.__qualname__)
                            new_cls_dict["__doc__"] = "Writer class for {}".format(cls.__name__)

                # Perform subclassing so that a new Writer is created that is a subclass of the parent's writer
                writer_cls = type("Writer", (parent_writer,), new_cls_dict)
            setattr(cls, _cache_name, writer_cls)
        return getattr(cls, _cache_name)

    def _get_writer_cls(cls):
        """ Get the writer subclass, or None if this type has no writer """
        my_writer = cls.Writer
        if my_writer is None:
            # This datatype has been marked as not having a writer
            # In this case, we return None, indicating that no writer is avialable
            return None
            # Hand over the the subtyping routine that skips over Nones to construct the writer type
            return PimlicoDatatypeMeta._get_some_writer_cls(cls)

class PimlicoDatatypeReaderMeta(type):
    Metaclass for all Pimlico readers, which are (mostly) created automatically, one
    for each datatype.

    This metaclass takes case of creating a Setup class to correspond to each Reader

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        new_cls = super(PimlicoDatatypeReaderMeta, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        # Replace the existing Setup class, if any, which is used to construct the actual Setup,
        # with the constructed Seupt
        new_cls.Setup = PimlicoDatatypeReaderMeta._get_setup_cls(new_cls)
        return new_cls

    def _get_setup_cls(cls):
        # Cache the setup cls for the reader type
        # Clever cacheing: see _get_reader_cls()
        # Use the class' ID, in case the reader type names aren't unique
        _cache_name = "_{}_setup_cls".format(id(cls))
        if not hasattr(cls, _cache_name):
            if len(cls.__bases__) == 0 or cls.__bases__[0] is object:
                # On the base class, we just return the base setup, subclassing object
                parent_setup = object
                # In case of multiple inheritance, first base class is the one we use to inherit setup functionality
                parent_setup = cls.__bases__[0].Setup

            my_setup = cls.Setup
            # Perform subclassing so that a new Setup is created that is a subclass of the parent's setup
            my_dict = dict(my_setup.__dict__)
            my_dict["reader_type"] = cls
            # Don't inherit the __dict__ and __weakref__ attributes
            # These will be created on the new type as necessary
            if "__dict__" in my_dict:
                del my_dict["__dict__"]
            if "__weakref__" in my_dict:
                del my_dict["__weakref__"]
            # Set the reader setup's __qualname__ so it's properly treated as a nested class of the datatype's reader
            if PY3:
                my_dict["__qualname__"] = "{}.Setup".format(cls.__qualname__)
            my_dict["__module__"] = cls.__module__

            if my_setup is parent_setup or my_dict["__doc__"] is None:
                # If setup was not overridden: don't use the base class' doc
                # If no new documentation is provided, then we don't want to inherit the
                #  superclass' docstring, but instead let the reader follow the link to see that
                if PY3:
                    my_dict["__doc__"] = "Setup class for {}".format(cls.__qualname__)
                    my_dict["__doc__"] = "Setup class for {}".format(cls.__name__)

            setup_cls = type("Setup", (parent_setup,), my_dict)
            setattr(cls, _cache_name, setup_cls)
        return getattr(cls, _cache_name)

[docs]class PimlicoDatatype(with_metaclass(PimlicoDatatypeMeta, object)): """ The abstract superclass of all datatypes. Provides basic functionality for identifying where data should be stored and such. Datatypes are used to specify the routines for reading the output from modules, via their reader class. `module` is the ModuleInfo instance for the pipeline module that this datatype was produced by. It may be None, if the datatype wasn't instantiated by a module. It is not required to be set if you're instantiating a datatype in some context other than module output. It should generally be set for input datatypes, though, since they are treated as being created by a special input module. If you're **creating a new datatype**, refer to the :doc:`datatype documentation </core/datatypes>`. """ datatype_name = "base_datatype" """ Identifier (without spaces) to distinguish this datatype """ datatype_options = OrderedDict() """ Options specified in the same way as module options that control the nature of the datatype. These are not things to do with reading of specific datasets, for which the dataset's metadata should be used. These are things that have an impact on typechecking, such that options on the two checked datatypes are required to match for the datatypes to be considered compatible. They should always be an ordered dict, so that they can be specified using positional arguments as well as kwargs and config parameters. """ shell_commands = [] """ Override to provide shell commands specific to this datatype. Should include the superclass' list. """ datatype_supports_python2 = True """ Most core Pimlico datatypes support use in Python 2 and 3. Datatypes that do should set this to True. If it is False, the datatype is assumed to work only in Python 3. Python 2 compatibility requires extra work from the programmer. Datatypes should generally declare whether or not they provide this support by overriding this explicitly. Use ``supports_python2()`` to check whether a datatype instance supports Python 2. (There may be reasons for a datatype's instance to override this class-level setting.) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Kwargs specify (processed) values for named datatype options # Check they're all valid options for key in kwargs: if key not in self.datatype_options: raise DatatypeLoadError("unknown datatype option '{}' for {}".format(key, self.datatype_name)) self.options = dict(kwargs) # Positional args can also be used to specify options, using the order in which the options are defined for key, arg in zip(self.datatype_options.keys(), args): if key in kwargs: raise DatatypeLoadError("datatype option '{}' given by positional arg was also specified " "by a kwarg".format(key)) self.options[key] = arg # Check any required options have been given for opt_name, opt_dict in self.datatype_options.items(): if opt_dict.get("required", False) and opt_name not in self.options: raise DatatypeLoadError("{} datatype requires option '{}' to be specified".format( self.datatype_name, opt_name)) # Finally, set default options from the datatype options for opt_name, opt_dict in self.datatype_options.items(): if opt_name not in self.options: self.options[opt_name] = opt_dict.get("default", None) # If the overriding class doesn't set datatype_name, we should default to something sensible if self.datatype_name == "base_datatype" and type(self) is not PimlicoDatatype: # Build a better name out of the class name self.datatype_name = _class_name_word_boundary.sub(r"\1_\2", type(self).__name__).lower()
[docs] def supports_python2(self): """ By default, just returns cls.datatype_supports_python2. Subclasses might override this. """ return self.datatype_supports_python2
[docs] def get_software_dependencies(self): """ Get a list of all software required to **read** this datatype. This is separate to metadata config checks, so that you don't need to satisfy the dependencies for all modules in order to be able to run one of them. You might, for example, want to run different modules on different machines. This is called when a module is about to be executed and each of the dependencies is checked. Returns a list of instances of subclasses of :class:~pimlico.core.dependencies.base.SoftwareDependency, representing the libraries that this module depends on. Take care when providing dependency classes that you don't put any import statements at the top of the Python module that will make loading the dependency type itself dependent on runtime dependencies. You'll want to run import checks by putting import statements within this method. You should call the super method for checking superclass dependencies. Note that there may be different software dependencies for **writing** a datatype using its `Writer`. These should be specified using `get_writer_software_dependencies()`. """ return []
[docs] def get_writer_software_dependencies(self): """ Get a list of all software required to **write** this datatype using its `Writer`. This works in a similar way to `get_software_dependencies()` (for the `Reader`) and the dependencies will be check before the writer is instantiated. It is assumed that all the reader's dependencies also apply to the writer, so this method only needs to specify any additional dependencies the writer has. You should call the super method for checking superclass dependencies. """ return []
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a reader setup of the relevant type. Args and kwargs will be passed through to the setup class' init. They may depend on the particular setup class, but typically one arg is required, which is a list of paths where the data may be found. You can use the reader setup to get a reader, once the data is ready to read. .. code-block:: py datatype = ThisDatatype(options...) # Most of the time, you will pass in a list of possible paths to the data setup = datatype(possible_paths_list) reader = setup.get_reader(pipeline, module="pipeline_module") """ # Get the standard reader class for this datatype # Get the reader type's corresponding setup class and instantiate it return self.Reader.get_setup(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_writer(self, base_dir, pipeline, module=None, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a writer to write data to the given base dir. Kwargs are passed through to the writer and used to specify initial metadata and writer params. :param base_dir: output dir to write dataset to :param pipeline: current pipeline :param module: module name (optional, for debugging only) :return: instance of the writer subclass corresponding to this datatype """ # Get the writer class writer_cls = self.Writer if writer_cls is None: raise DatatypeWriteError("datatype {} does not provide writing functionality".format(self.datatype_name)) return writer_cls(self, base_dir, pipeline, module=module, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def instantiate_from_options(cls, options={}): """Given string options e.g. from a config file, perform option processing and instantiate datatype""" options = process_module_options(cls.datatype_options, options, "{} dataset loader".format(cls.datatype_name)) return cls(**options)
[docs] @classmethod def datatype_full_class_name(cls): """ The fully qualified name of the class for this datatype, by which it is reference in config files. Generally, datatypes don't need to override this, but type requirements that take the place of datatypes for type checking need to provide it. """ return "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
[docs] def check_type(self, supplied_type): """ Method used by datatype type-checking algorithm to determine whether a supplied datatype (given as an instance of a subclass of PimlicoDatatype) is compatible with the present datatype, which is being treated as a type requirement. Typically, the present class is a type requirement on a module input and `supplied_type` is the type provided by a previous module's output. The default implementation simply checks whether `supplied_type` is a subclass of the present class. Subclasses may wish to impose different or additional checks. :param supplied_type: type provided where the present class is required, or datatype instance :return: True if the check is successful, False otherwise """ if isinstance(supplied_type, type): # This is how datatypes used to be specified, but now they should be instances raise TypeError("type checking was given a class as a supplied type. It should be an instance " "of a datatype. Probably old code from before datatypes redesign") else: return isinstance(supplied_type, type(self))
[docs] def type_checking_name(self): """ Supplies a name for this datatype to be used in type-checking error messages. Default implementation just provides the class name. Classes that override check_supplied_type() may want to override this too. """ return type(self).__name__
[docs] def full_datatype_name(self): """ Returns a string/unicode name for the datatype that includes relevant sub-type information. The default implementation just uses the attribute `datatype_name`, but subclasses may have more detailed information to add. For example, iterable corpus types also supply information about the data-point type. """ return self.datatype_name
def __repr__(self): return self.datatype_name
[docs] def run_browser(self, reader, opts): """ Launches a browser interface for reading this datatype, browsing the data provided by the given reader. Not all datatypes provide a browser. For those that don't, this method should raise a NotImplementedError. `opts` provides the argparser options from the command line. This tool used to be only available for iterable corpora, but now it's possible for any datatype to provide a browser. IterableCorpus provides its own browser, as before, which uses one of the data point type's formatters to format documents. """ raise NotImplementedError("datatype {} does not provide a dataset browser".format(self.datatype_name))
[docs] class Reader(object): """ The abstract superclass of all dataset readers. You do not need to subclass or instantiate these yourself: subclasses are created automatically to correspond to each datatype. You can add functionality to a datatype's reader by creating a nested `Reader` class. This will inherit from the parent datatype's reader. This happens automatically - you don't need to do it yourself and shouldn't inherit from anything: .. code-block:: py class MyDatatype(PimlicoDatatype): class Reader: # Override reader things here """ def __init__(self, datatype, setup, pipeline, module=None): self.datatype = datatype self.pipeline = pipeline self.module = module self.setup = setup self.process_setup()
[docs] def process_setup(self): """ Do any processing of the setup object (e.g. retrieving values and setting attributes on the reader) that should be done when the reader is instantiated. """ self.base_dir = self.setup.get_base_dir() self.data_dir = self.setup.get_data_dir()
[docs] def get_detailed_status(self): """ Returns a list of strings, containing detailed information about the data. Subclasses may override this to supply useful (human-readable) information specific to the datatype. They should called the super method. """ return []
[docs] class Setup(object): """ Abstract superclass of all dataset reader setup classes. See :doc:`/core/datatypes` for a information about how this class is used. These classes provide any functionality relating to a reader needed before it is ready to read and instantiated. Most importantly, it provides the `ready_to_read()` method, which indicates whether the reader is ready to be instantiated. The standard implementation, which can be used in almost all cases, takes a list of possible paths to the dataset at initialization and checks whether the dataset is ready to be read from any of them. You generally don't need to override `ready_to_read()` with this, but just `data_ready()`, which checks whether the data is ready to be read in a specific location. You can call the parent class' data-ready checks using super: `super(MyDatatype.Reader.Setup, self).data_ready()`. The whole `Setup` object will be passed to the corresponding `Reader`'s init, so that it has access to data locations, etc. Subclasses may take different init args/kwargs and store whatever attributes are relevant for preparing their corresponding `Reader`. In such cases, you will usually override a `ModuleInfo`'s `get_output_reader_setup()` method for a specific output's reader preparation, to provide it with the appropriate arguments. Do this by calling the `Reader` class' `get_setup(*args, **kwargs)` class method, which passes args and kwargs through to the `Setup`'s init. You do not need to subclass or instantiate these yourself: subclasses are created automatically to correspond to each reader type. You can add functionality to a reader's setup by creating a nested `Setup` class. This will inherit from the parent reader's setup. This happens automatically - you don't need to do it yourself and shouldn't inherit from anything: .. code-block:: py class MyDatatype(PimlicoDatatype): class Reader: # Overide reader things here class Setup: # Override setup things here # E.g.: def data_ready(path): # Parent checks: usually you want to do this if not super(MyDatatype.Reader.Setup, self).data_ready(path): return False # Check whether the data's ready according to our own criteria # ... return True The first arg to the init should always be the datatype instance. """ reader_type = None def __init__(self, datatype, data_paths): self.datatype = datatype self.data_paths = data_paths
[docs] def data_ready(self, path): """ Check whether the data at the given path is ready to be read using this type of reader. It may be called several times with different possible base dirs to check whether data is available at any of them. Often you will override this for particular datatypes to provide special checks. You may (but don't have to) check the setup's parent implementation of `data_ready()` by calling `super(MyDatatype.Reader.Setup, self).data_ready(path)`. The base implementation just checks whether the data dir exists. Subclasses will typically want to add their own checks. """ # Check the data dir is also there if not os.path.exists(path): return False data_dir = _get_data_dir(path) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): return False # Check whether any additional paths exist paths = self.get_required_paths() if paths: for path in paths: if os.path.isabs(path): # Simply check whether the file exists if not os.path.exists(path): return False else: # Relative path: requires that data_dir exists if data_dir is None: return False elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir, path)): # Data dir is ready, but the file within it doesn't exist return False return True
[docs] def ready_to_read(self): """ Check whether we're ready to instantiate a reader using this setup. Always called before a reader is instantiated. Subclasses may override this, but most of the time you won't need to. See `data_ready()` instead. :return: True if the reader's ready to be instantiated, False otherwise """ return any(self._paths_ready)
[docs] def get_required_paths(self): """ May be overridden by subclasses to provide a list of paths (absolute, or relative to the data dir) that must exist for the data to be considered ready. """ return []
[docs] def get_base_dir(self): """ :return: the first of the possible base dir paths at which the data is ready to read. Raises an exception if none is ready. Typically used to get the path from the reader, once we've already confirmed that at least one is available. """ try: return next((path for (path, ready) in zip(self.data_paths, self._paths_ready) if ready)) except StopIteration: raise DataNotReadyError("tried to get base dir from reader setup, but no path provides ready data")
[docs] def get_data_dir(self): """ :return: the path to the data dir within the base dir (typically a dir called "data") """ return _get_data_dir(self.get_base_dir())
[docs] def read_metadata(self, base_dir): """ Read in metadata for a dataset stored at the given path. Used by readers and rarely needed outside them. It may sometimes be necessary to call this from `data_ready()` to check that required metadata is available. """ if os.path.exists(_metadata_path(base_dir)): # Load dictionary of metadata with open(_metadata_path(base_dir), "r") as f: raw_data = if len(raw_data) == 0: # Empty metadata file: return empty metadata no matter what return {} try: # In later versions of Pimlico, we store metadata as JSON, so that it can be read in the file return json.loads(raw_data) except ValueError: # If the metadata was written by an earlier Pimlico version, we fall back to the old system: # it's a pickled dictionary return pickle.loads(raw_data) else: # No metadata written: data may not have been written yet return {}
def __call__(self, pipeline, module=None): """ Instantiate a reader using this setup. Alias for `get_reader()` """ return self.get_reader(pipeline, module=module)
[docs] def get_reader(self, pipeline, module=None): """ Instantiate a reader using this setup. :param pipeline: currently loaded pipeline :param module: (optional) module name of the module by which the datatype has been loaded. Used for producing intelligible error output """ return self.reader_type(self.datatype, self, pipeline, module=module)
@cached_property def _paths_ready(self): return [self.data_ready(path) for path in self.data_paths] def __repr__(self): return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__) def _get_data_dir(self, base_dir): return _get_data_dir(base_dir)
[docs] @classmethod def get_setup(cls, datatype, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a reader setup object for this reader. The args and kwargs are those of the reader's corresponding setup class and will be passed straight through to the init. """ return cls.Setup(datatype, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_metadata(self): """ Read in metadata from a file in the corpus directory. Note that this is no longer cached in memory. We need to be sure that the metadata values returned are always up to date with what is on disk, so always re-read the file when we need to get a value from the metadata. Since the file is typically small, this is unlikely to cause a problem. If we decide to return to cacheing the metadata dictionary in future, we will need to make sure that we can never run into problems with out-of-date metadata being returned. """ return self.setup.read_metadata(self.setup.get_base_dir()) metadata = property(_get_metadata) def __repr__(self): return "Reader({})".format(self.datatype.full_datatype_name())
[docs] class Writer(object): """ The abstract superclass of all dataset writers. You do not need to subclass or instantiate these yourself: subclasses are created automatically to correspond to each datatype. You can add functionality to a datatype's writer by creating a nested `Writer` class. This will inherit from the parent datatype's writer. This happens automatically - you don't need to do it yourself and shouldn't inherit from anything: .. code-block:: py class MyDatatype(PimlicoDatatype): class Writer: # Overide writer things here Writers should be used as context managers. Typically, you will get hold of a writer for a module's output directly from the module-info instance: .. code-block:: py with module.get_output_writer("output_name") as writer: # Call the writer's methods, set its attributes, etc writer.do_something(my_data) writer.some_attr = "This data" Any additional kwargs passed into the writer (which you can do by passing kwargs to ``get_output_writer()`` on the module) will set values in the dataset's metadata. Available parameters are given, along with their default values, in the dictionary ``metadata_defaults`` on a Writer class. They also include all values from ancestor writers. It is important to pass in parameters as kwargs that affect the writing of the data, to ensure that the correct values are available as soon as the writing process starts. All metadata values, including those passed in as kwargs, should be serializable as simple JSON types. Another set of parameters, *writer params*, is used to specify things that affect the writing process, but do not need to be stored in the metadata. This could be, for example, the number of CPUs to use for some part of the writing process. Unlike, for example, the format of the stored data, this is not needed later when the data is read. Available writer params are given, along with their default values, in the dictionary ``writer_param_defaults`` on a Writer class. (They do not need to be JSON serializable.) Their values are also specified as kwargs in the same way as metadata. """ # Values should be (val, doc) pairs, where val is the default value and doc is a string describing # what the parameter is for (used for documentation) metadata_defaults = {} writer_param_defaults = {} #: This can be overriden on writer classes to add this list of tasks to the required tasks when the #: writer is initialized required_tasks = [] def __init__(self, datatype, base_dir, pipeline, module=None, **kwargs): self.datatype = datatype self.pipeline = pipeline self.module = module self.base_dir = base_dir # This is the directory all data should be written to self.data_dir = _get_data_dir(base_dir) self._metadata_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "corpus_metadata") # Corpus metadata that will be written out to a JSON file accompanying the dataset # Values can be set using kwargs, but typically the metadata should not be modified # by the user once the context manager is entered, as the writing process may be # parameterized by these values self.metadata = {} # Extract kwargs that correspond to metadata keys for key, (default, doc) in self.metadata_defaults.items(): if key in kwargs: self.metadata[key] = kwargs.pop(key) else: self.metadata[key] = default # Check here that metadata from kwargs is all JSON serializable, to avoid mysterious errors later try: json.dumps(self.metadata) except TypeError as e: raise DatatypeWriteError( "metadata parameters passed to writer as kwargs must be JSON serializable: {}".format(e) ) # Extract kwargs that correspond to writer params self.params = {} for key, (default, help_text) in self.writer_param_defaults.items(): if key in kwargs: self.params[key] = kwargs.pop(key) else: self.params[key] = default # Any remaining kwargs are incorrect, as they're not listed as either metadata or writer param keys if len(kwargs): raise DatatypeWriteError("writer kwargs not valid as metadata keys or writer parameters " "for {} writer: {}".format( self.datatype.full_datatype_name(), ", ".join(kwargs.keys()) )) # Stores a set of output tasks that must be completed before the exit routine is called # Subclasses can add things to this in their init and remove them as the tasks are performed # The superclass exit will check that the set is empty self._to_output = set() # Set any required tasks that were specified as a class attribute if len(self.required_tasks): self.require_tasks(*self.required_tasks)
[docs] def require_tasks(self, *tasks): """ Add a name or multiple names to the list of output tasks that must be completed before writing is finished """ self._to_output.update(tasks)
[docs] def task_complete(self, task): """ Mark the named task as completed """ if task in self._to_output: self._to_output.remove(task)
@property def incomplete_tasks(self): """ List of required tasks that have not yet been completed """ return list(self._to_output) def __enter__(self): # Make sure the necessary directories exist if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir): os.makedirs(self.data_dir) # Store an initial version of the metadata self.write_metadata() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Write out the latest metadata, even if there was an error self.write_metadata() if exc_type is None: # Check all required output tasks were completed if len(self._to_output): raise DatatypeWriteError("some outputs were not written for datatype %s: %s" % (type(self).__name__, ", ".join(self._to_output)))
[docs] def write_metadata(self): self._write_metadata(self._metadata_path, self.metadata)
@staticmethod def _write_metadata(metadata_path, metadata): with open(metadata_path, "w") as f: # We used to pickle the metadata dictionary, but now we store it as JSON, so it's readable json.dump(metadata, f) # Make sure that the file doesn't get buffered anywhere, but is fully written to disk now # We need to be sure that the up-to-date metadata is available immediately f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) def __repr__(self): return "Writer({}: {})".format(self.datatype.full_datatype_name(), self.base_dir)
def _get_data_dir(base_dir): return os.path.join(base_dir, "data") def _metadata_path(base_dir): return os.path.join(base_dir, "corpus_metadata")
[docs]class DynamicOutputDatatype(object): """ Types of module outputs may be specified as an instance of a subclass of :class:`.PimlicoDatatype`, or alternatively as an instance of DynamicOutputType. In this case, get_datatype() is called when the output datatype is needed, passing in the module info instance for the module, so that a specialized datatype can be produced on the basis of options, input types, etc. The dynamic type must provide certain pieces of information needed for typechecking. If a base datatype is available (i.e. indication of the datatype before the module is instantiated), we take the information regarding whether the datatype supports Python 2 from there. If not, we assume it does. This may seems the opposite to other places: for example, the base datatype says it does **not** support Python 2 and subclasses must declare if they do. However, dynamic output datatypes are often used with modules that work with a broad range of input datatypes. It is therefore wrong to say that they do not support Python 2, since they will provided the input module does. """ """ Must be provided by subclasses: can be a noncommittal string giving some idea of what types may be provided. Used for documentation. """ datatype_name = None
[docs] def get_datatype(self, module_info): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_base_datatype(self): """ If it's possible to say before the instance of a ModuleInfo is available what base datatype will be produced, implement this to return a datatype instance. By default, it returns None. If this information is available, it will be used in documentation. """ return None
[docs] def supports_python2(self): base_dt = self.get_base_datatype() if base_dt is None: # Can't say whether this supports Py2 or not, so we say it does return True else: return base_dt.supports_python2()
[docs]class DynamicInputDatatypeRequirement(object): """ Types of module inputs may be given as an instance of a subclass of :class:`.PimlicoDatatype`, a tuple of datatypes, or an instance a DynamicInputDatatypeRequirement subclass. In this case, check_type(supplied_type) is called during typechecking to check whether the type that we've got conforms to the input type requirements. Additionally, if datatype_doc_info is provided, it is used to represent the input type constraints in documentation. """ """ To provide a helpful message for the documentation, either override this, or set it in the constructor. """ datatype_doc_info = None
[docs] def check_type(self, supplied_type): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def type_checking_name(self): """ Supplies a name for this datatype to be used in type-checking error messages. Default implementation just provides the class name. Subclasses may want to override this too. """ return type(self).__name__
[docs]class MultipleInputs(object): """ A wrapper around an input datatype that can be used as an item in a module's inputs, which lets the module accept an unbounded number of inputs, all satisfying the same datatype requirements. When writing the inputs in a config file, they can be specified as a comma-separated list of the usual type of specification (module name, with optional output name). Each item in the list must point to a dataset (module output) that satisfies the type-checking for the wrapped datatype. .. code-block:: ini [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=module1.the_output,module2.the_output Here ``module1``'s output ``the_output`` and ``module2``'s output ``the_output`` must both be of valid types for the multiple-input ``datasets`` to this module. The list may also include (or entirely consist of) a base module name from the pipeline that has been **expanded** into multiple modules according to **alternative parameters** (the type separated by vertical bars, see :ref:`parameter-alternatives`). You can use the notation ``*name``, where ``name`` is the base module name, to denote all of the expanded module names as inputs. These are treated as if you'd written out all of the expanded module names separated by commas. .. code-block:: ini [module1] type=pimlico.modules.any_module param={case1}first value for param|{case2}second value [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=*module1.the_output Here ``module1`` will be expanded into ``module1[case1]`` and ``module1[case2]``, each having a different value for option ``param``. The ``*``-notation is a shorthand to say that the input ``datasets`` should get the output ``the_output`` from **both** of these alternatives, as if you had written ``module1[case1].the_output,module1[case2].the_output``. If a module provides multiple outputs, all of a suitable type, that you want to feed into the same (multiple-input) input, you can specify a list of **all of the module's outputs** using the notation ``module_name.*``. .. code-block:: ini # This module provides two outputs, output1 and output2 [module2] type=pimlico.modules.multi_output_module [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=module2.* is equivalent to: .. code-block:: ini [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=module2.output1,module2.output2 If you need the **same input specification to be repeated** multiple times in a list, instead of writing it out explicitly you can use a multiplier to repeat it N times by putting ``*N`` after it. This is particularly useful when ``N`` is the result of expanding module variables, allowing the number of times an input is repeated to depend on some modvar expression. .. code-block:: ini [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=module1.the_output*3 is equivalent to: .. code-block:: ini [module3] type=pimlico.modules.some_module input_datasets=module1.the_output,module1.the_output,module1.the_output When :meth:`~pimlico.core.modules.base.BaseModuleInfo.get_input` is called on the module info, if multiple inputs have been provided, instead of returning a single dataset reader, a list of readers is returned. You can use ``get_input(input_name, always_list=True)`` to always return a list of readers, even if only a single dataset was given as input. This is usually the best way to handle multiple inputs in module code. """ def __init__(self, datatype_requirements): self.datatype_requirements = datatype_requirements
[docs] def supports_python2(self): return self.datatype_requirements.supports_python2()
class TypeFromInput(DynamicOutputDatatype): """ Infer output type from the type of an input. Passes the type through exactly, except where the input datatype provides an `emulated_datatype`. Input name may be given. Otherwise, the default input is used. """ datatype_name = "same as input corpus" def __init__(self, input_name=None): self.input_name = input_name def get_datatype(self, module_info): return module_info.get_input_datatype(self.input_name)
[docs]class DatatypeLoadError(Exception): pass
[docs]class DatatypeWriteError(Exception): pass
class DataNotReadyError(Exception): pass