Source code for pimlico.utils.strings

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2020 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0 -

from builtins import zip

[docs]def truncate(s, length, ellipsis=u"..."): if len(s) > length: return u"%s%s" % (s[:length-len(ellipsis)].strip(), ellipsis) else: return s
[docs]def similarities(targets, reference): """ Compute string similarity of each of a list of targets to a given reference string. Uses `difflib.SequenceMatcher` to compute similarity. :param reference: compare all strings to this one :param targets: list of targets to measure similarity of :return: list of similarity values """ from difflib import SequenceMatcher matcher = SequenceMatcher() matcher.set_seq2(reference) sims = [] for target in targets: matcher.set_seq1(target) sims.append(matcher.ratio()) return sims
[docs]def sorted_by_similarity(targets, reference): """ Return target list sorted by similarity to the reference string. See :func:similarities for similarity measurement. """ from operator import itemgetter targets = list(targets) sims = similarities(targets, reference) return [trg for (trg, sim) in reversed(sorted(zip(targets, sims), key=itemgetter(1)))]