Huggingface text corpus

Path pimlico.modules.input.text.huggingface
Executable yes

Input reader to fetch a text corpus from Huggingface’s datasets library. See:

Uses Huggingface’s load_dataset() function to download a dataset and then converts it to a Pimlico raw text archive.

This module does not support Python 2, so can only be used when Pimlico is being run under Python 3


No inputs


Name Type(s)
default grouped_corpus <RawTextDocumentType>

Further conditional outputs

In addition to the default output default, if more than one column is specified, further outputs will be provided, each containing a column and named after the column.

The first column name given is always provided as the first (default) output, called “default”.


Name Description Type
columns (required) Name(s) of column(s) to store as Pimlico datasets. At least one must be given comma-separated list of strings
dataset (required) Name of the dataset to download string
doc_name Take the doc names from the named column. The special value ‘enum’ (default) just numbers the sequence of documents string
name Name defining the dataset configuration. This corresponds to the second argument of load_dataset() string
split Restrict to a split of the data. Must be one of the splits that this dataset provides. The default value of ‘train’ will work for many datasets, but is not guaranteed to be appropriate string

Example config

This is an example of how this module can be used in a pipeline config file.


This example usage includes more options.


Test pipelines

This module is used by the following test pipelines. They are a further source of examples of the module’s usage.