Source code for

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

from Queue import Empty
from time import sleep

from pimlico.core.config import PipelineStructureError
from pimlico.core.modules.base import load_module_executor, BaseModuleInfo
from pimlico.core.modules.execute import ModuleExecutionError
from import InputQueueFeeder
from pimlico.datatypes.base import InvalidDocument
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import TarredCorpus, AlignedTarredCorpora
from pimlico.utils.pipes import qget

[docs]class DocumentMapOutputTypeWrapper(object): # Tells you the datatype that this simulates, for typechecking non_filter_datatype = None wrapped_module_info = None output_name = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raw_data = kwargs.pop("raw_data", False) # We should be a subclass of this datatype, so call its constructor self.non_filter_datatype.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.raw_data = raw_data self.output_num = [name for name, type in self.wrapped_module_info.available_outputs].index(self.output_name) self._input_iterator = None # Get hold of the outputs from the previous modules to iterate over them self.input_corpora = [self.wrapped_module_info.get_input(input_name) for input_name in self.wrapped_module_info.input_names] self.input_iterator = AlignedTarredCorpora(self.input_corpora) def __len__(self): # Delegate to input datatypes return len(self.input_iterator) def __iter__(self): for __, doc_name, doc in self.archive_iter(): yield doc_name, doc
[docs] def archive_iter(self, subsample=None, start_after=None): """ Provides an iterator just like TarredCorpus, but instead of iterating over data read from disk, gets it on the fly from the input datatype. """ # To make sure we're ready to iterate over the input data and have all the metadata we need, we must # actually create the output writer now output_dir = self.wrapped_module_info.get_absolute_output_dir(self.output_name) # Get hold of the outputs from the previous modules to iterate over them input_iterator = self.input_iterator # Load an executor for the module we're wrapping, so we can use some of its functionality executor_cls = load_module_executor(self.wrapped_module_info) executor = executor_cls(self.wrapped_module_info) # Call the set-up routine, if one's been defined "Preparing document map execution for filter module %s" % self.wrapped_module_info.module_name ) executor.preprocess() # Start up a processing pool, but only ever use a single process executor.pool = executor.create_pool(1) complete = False invalid_inputs = 0 invalid_outputs = 0 try: # Prepare a corpus writer for the output with self.wrapped_module_info.get_writer(self.output_name, output_dir) as writer: # Now that we've created the writer, we should be able to initialize a corresponding reader # Of course, we can't read any documents from it, but we can use its postprocessing function dummy_reader = self.wrapped_module_info.get_output(self.output_name) # Set a thread going to feed things onto the input queue input_feeder = InputQueueFeeder( executor.pool.input_queue, input_iterator.archive_iter(subsample=subsample, start_after=start_after), complete_callback=executor.pool.notify_no_more_inputs ) # Wait to make sure the input feeder's fed something into the input queue input_feeder.started.wait() # Check what document we're looking for next next_document = input_feeder.get_next_output_document() while next_document is not None: # Wait for a document coming off the output queue while True: try: # Wait a little bit to see if there's a result available result = qget(executor.pool.output_queue, timeout=0.2) except Empty: # Timed out: check there's not been an error in one of the processes try: error = executor.pool.exception_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: # No error: just keep waiting pass else: # Got an error from a process: raise it # First empty the exception queue, in case there were multiple errors sleep(0.05) while not executor.pool.exception_queue.empty(): qget(executor.pool.exception_queue, timeout=0.1) # Sometimes, a traceback from within the process is included if hasattr(error, "debugging_info"): # We've already attached debugging info at some lower level: just use it debugging = error.debugging_info elif hasattr(error, "traceback"): debugging = error.traceback else: debugging = None raise ModuleExecutionError("error in worker process: %s" % error, cause=error, debugging_info=debugging) input_feeder.check_for_error() except: raise else: # Got a result from the process break # We've got a result and, since we're only using 1 process, it must be the right one: check if (result.archive, result.filename) != next_document: raise ModuleExecutionError( "something went wrong with filter execution. Expected result for %s/%s, but got %s/%s" % (result.archive, result.filename, next_document[0], next_document[1]) ) # Next document processed: yield the result if type(result) is InvalidDocument: invalid_outputs += 1 # Just got a single invalid document out yield result.archive, result.filename, result else: # Here the normal executor would write the outputs to disk # Instead we simply yield the one we're interested in # Use the writer to convert it from what it expects from the processing to raw text if type( is tuple: data =[self.output_num] else: data = data = writer.document_to_raw_data(data) if not self.raw_data: # If not outputting raw data, now use the output datatype to convert back from raw text # It may seem a waste of time to convert to and from text, but sometimes the conversions # are not symmetrical: e.g. the output writer might produce raw output and not process # it before writing to disk data = dummy_reader.process_document(data) yield result.archive, result.filename, data # Check what document we're waiting for now next_document = input_feeder.get_next_output_document() # We get a None next_document if there's an error in the input feeder at the beginning # Check whether this has happened input_feeder.check_for_error() complete = True except Exception, e: # Any other uncaught exception should be passed up as a ModuleExecutionError, since we're actually # executing a module here, even though we're pretending to iterate over data # This causes the restart procedure to catch the error just as if something went wrong in map execution if hasattr(e, "debugging_info"): # We've already attached debugging info at some lower level: just use it debugging = e.debugging_info elif hasattr(e, "traceback"): debugging = e.traceback else: debugging = None raise ModuleExecutionError("error in filter %s: %s" % (self.wrapped_module_info.module_name, e), cause=e, debugging_info=debugging) finally: # Call the finishing-off routine, if one's been defined executor.postprocess(error=not complete)"[%s filter] Input contained %d invalid documents, output contained %d" % (self.wrapped_module_info.module_name, invalid_inputs, invalid_outputs))
[docs] def data_ready(self): """ Ready to supply this data as soon as all the wrapper module's inputs are ready to produce their data. """ return all(input_type.data_ready() for input_name in self.wrapped_module_info.input_names for input_type in self.wrapped_module_info.get_input(input_name, always_list=True))
def _wrap_output(module_info_instance, inner_output_name): __, output_datatype = module_info_instance.get_output_datatype(inner_output_name) if not issubclass(output_datatype, TarredCorpus): # Can only wrap TarredCorpus outputs of a document map raise PipelineStructureError("problem treating module '%s' as a filter. Tried to wrap output '%s' with a " "datatype that produces the output on the fly, but it's not a subclass of " "TarredCorpus" % (module_info_instance.module_name, inner_output_name)) # Create a special subclass of the general output wrapper for this output # Doing so using type() instead of a class def allows us to give it an informative class name wrapper_cls = type( "%sFilterWrapper" % output_datatype.__name__, (DocumentMapOutputTypeWrapper, output_datatype), dict( non_filter_datatype=output_datatype, wrapped_module_info=module_info_instance, output_name=inner_output_name, ) ) return wrapper_cls
[docs]def wrap_module_info_as_filter(module_info_instance): # Wrap each of the output datatypes so that it executes the document processing on the fly wrapped_outputs = [] for output_name in module_info_instance.output_names: wrapped_outputs.append((output_name, _wrap_output(module_info_instance, output_name))) class ModuleInfo(BaseModuleInfo): module_type_name = "%s_filter" % module_info_instance.module_type_name module_options = [] module_inputs = module_info_instance.module_inputs module_outputs = wrapped_outputs module_optional_outputs = [] module_executable = False return ModuleInfo( module_info_instance.module_name, module_info_instance.pipeline, inputs=module_info_instance.inputs, options={}, optional_outputs=[] )