Source code for pimlico.utils.core

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
import ast

import math

[docs]def multiwith(*managers): """ Taken from contextlib's nested(). We need the variable number of context managers that this function allows. """ exits = [] vars = [] exc = (None, None, None) try: for mgr in managers: exit = mgr.__exit__ enter = mgr.__enter__ vars.append(enter()) exits.append(exit) yield vars except: exc = sys.exc_info() finally: while exits: exit = exits.pop() try: if exit(*exc): exc = (None, None, None) except: exc = sys.exc_info() if exc != (None, None, None): # Don't rely on sys.exc_info() still containing # the right information. Another exception may # have been raised and caught by an exit method raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]
[docs]def is_identifier(ident): """Determines if string is valid Python identifier.""" # Smoke test - if it's not string, then it's not identifier if not isinstance(ident, str): return False # Resulting AST of simple identifier is <Module [<Expr <Name "foo">>]> try: root = ast.parse(ident) except SyntaxError: return False if not isinstance(root, ast.Module): return False if len(root.body) != 1: return False if not isinstance(root.body[0], ast.Expr): return False if not isinstance(root.body[0].value, ast.Name): return False if root.body[0] != ident: return False return True
[docs]def remove_duplicates(lst, key=lambda x: x): """ Remove duplicate values from a list, keeping just the first one, using a particular key function to compare them. """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in lst if key(x) not in seen and not seen_add(key(x))]
[docs]def infinite_cycle(iterable): while True: for x in iterable: yield x
[docs]def import_member(path): """ Import a class, function, or other module member by its fully-qualified Python name. :param path: path to member, including full package path and class/function/etc name :return: cls """ from importlib import import_module mod_path, __, cls_name = path.rpartition(".") try: mod = import_module(mod_path) except ImportError, e: raise ImportError("class' module does not exist: %s. %s" % (mod_path, e)) if not hasattr(mod, cls_name): raise ImportError("could not load class %s from module %s: name does not exist" % (cls_name, mod_path)) return getattr(mod, cls_name)
[docs]def split_seq(seq, separator, ignore_empty_final=False): """ Iterate over a sequence and group its values into lists, separated in the original sequence by the given value. If `on` is callable, it is called on each element to test whether it is a separator. Otherwise, elements that are equal to `on` a treated as separators. :param seq: sequence to divide up :param separator: separator or separator test function :param ignore_empty_final: by default, if there's a separator at the end, the last sequence yielded is empty. If ignore_empty_final=True, in this case the last empty sequence is dropped :return: iterator over subsequences """ if not callable(separator): is_separator = lambda x: x == separator else: is_separator = separator subsequence = [] for elem in seq: if is_separator(elem): # Reached a separator, return the current subsequence and start accumulating values again yield subsequence subsequence = [] else: subsequence.append(elem) if not ignore_empty_final or len(subsequence): # Yield the subsequence after the last separator, even if it's empty, unless ignore_empty_final given yield subsequence
[docs]def split_seq_after(seq, separator): """ Somewhat like split_seq, but starts a new subsequence after each separator, without removing the separators. Each subsequence therefore ends with a separator, except the last one if there's no separator at the end. :param seq: sequence to divide up :param separator: separator or separator test function :return: iterator over subsequences """ if not callable(separator): is_separator = lambda x: x == separator else: is_separator = separator subsequence = [] for elem in seq: subsequence.append(elem) if is_separator(elem): # Reached a separator, return the current subsequence and start accumulating values again yield subsequence subsequence = [] if len(subsequence): # Yield the subsequence after the last separator, unless it's empty yield subsequence
[docs]def chunk_list(lst, length): """ Divides a list into chunks of max `length` length. """ return [ lst[i*length:(i+1)*length] for i in range(int(math.ceil(float(len(lst)) / length))) ]