Source code for pimlico.datatypes.coref.corenlp

# This file is part of Pimlico
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mark Granroth-Wilding
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 -

Datatypes for coreference resolution output. Based on Stanford CoreNLP's coref output, so includes all the information
provided by that.

import json

from pimlico.datatypes.jsondoc import JsonDocumentType, JsonDocumentCorpus
from pimlico.datatypes.tar import TarredCorpusWriter, pass_up_invalid

[docs]class CorefDocumentType(JsonDocumentType):
[docs] def process_document(self, doc): data = super(CorefDocumentType, self).process_document(doc) return [Entity(eid, [Mention.from_json(m) for m in mentions]) for (eid, mentions) in data.items()]
[docs]class CorefCorpus(JsonDocumentCorpus): datatype_name = "corenlp_coref" data_point_type = CorefDocumentType
[docs]class CorefCorpusWriter(TarredCorpusWriter): @pass_up_invalid def document_to_raw_data(self, doc): return json.dumps(dict( (, [m.to_json_dict() for m in entity.mentions]) for entity in doc ))
[docs]class Entity(object): def __init__(self, id, mentions): = id self.mentions = mentions
[docs]class Mention(object): def __init__(self, id, sentence_num, start_index, end_index, text, type, position=None, animacy=None, is_representative_mention=None, number=None, gender=None): = id self.sentence_num = sentence_num self.start_index = start_index self.end_index = end_index self.text = text self.type = type self.position = position self.animacy = animacy self.is_representative_mention = is_representative_mention self.number = number self.gender = gender @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(json): return Mention( json["id"], json["sentNum"], json["startIndex"], json["endIndex"], json["text"], json["type"], position=json.get("position", None), animacy=json.get("animacy", None), is_representative_mention=json.get("isRepresentativeMention", None), number=json.get("number", None), gender=json.get("gender", None) )
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): data = { "id":, "sentNum": self.sentence_num, "startIndex": self.start_index, "endIndex": self.end_index, "text": self.text, "type": self.type } if self.position is not None: data["position"] = self.position if self.animacy is not None: data["animacy"] = self.animacy if self.is_representative_mention is not None: data["isRepresentativeMention"] = self.is_representative_mention if self.number is not None: data["number"] = self.number if self.gender is not None: data["gender"] = self.gender return data