Path pimlico.modules.opennlp.ner
Executable yes

Named-entity recognition using OpenNLP’s tools.

By default, uses the pre-trained English model distributed with OpenNLP. If you want to use other models (e.g. for other languages), download them from the OpenNLP website to the models dir (models/opennlp) and specify the model name as an option.

Note that the default model is for identifying person names only. You can identify other name types by loading other pre-trained OpenNLP NER models. Identification of multiple name types at the same time is not (yet) implemented.


Name Type(s)
text TarredCorpus<TokenizedDocumentType|WordAnnotationsDocumentType>


Name Type(s)
documents SentenceSpansCorpus


Name Description Type
model NER model, full path or filename. If a filename is given, it is expected to be in the opennlp model directory (models/opennlp/) string